Looking for an alliance

2 players looking for war focused Alliance with atleast platinum bracket we have experience in t1 t2 t3 also in aq map6
We have 6510 other 6800 personal prestige
If anyone interested then add me in line (beyonder93)


  • ChrisOczChrisOcz Member Posts: 63
    We have spot for 2. We do 5*5 AQ and around tier 7 AW and wanting to grow stronger. Hit me up ingame or line if interested: ChrisOcz
  • RayTRayT Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2018
    We have two big guys retiring (500k and 700k) and looking for suitable replacements. We were Gold 1 and pushed fairly close to plat 3 last season. But we’re a friendly, chill alliance with a great group of guys! If you’re interested: LINE ID - rayt92
  • Movietoysg2018Movietoysg2018 Member Posts: 54
    Asia alliance seeking help !
    If u could join help us win victory point !
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