Aw burnout and retirement

To mitigate aw burnout and retirement, shorten season 2 and make the gap between the rewards less. This will serve kabam well in the long run, especially with infinity dungeons running.
Aw burnout and retirement 136 votes
"Hey, here are some harder nodes. Have fun."
Thanks and have a great day!
This "poll" is about burnout from AW. How would shortening the season and shortening the in between timeframe reduce burn out? If you do that, then you are constently doing AW which would lead to possible burn out. Why would they shorten the season and give better rewards in the process? When has that ever happened? If they shorten the season, rewards will almost certainly be reduced to equal longer season rewards but spread out.
Is this acceptable for you now that i participated in this poll?
i would not mind at all if they scaled the rewards back to make the season shorter.
He asked for them in his other poll
How long is AW season now? I looked at the rewards and I've talked to various people, and it really seems like a shortened season with higher rewards would actually generate more engagement (and therefore item use) from the community.
I feel like nodes are a good enough stopblock to test teamwork; energy just tests timezones and freetime. I mean, what if Bob has to go to his daughter's 8 hour theremin recital tomorrow?