12 Mill Ally Gold 1 Looking For New Members, 2 For 2 Victorious Wars in Season 2 and on the rise up

Hey there Summoner...,

We are a 12 mil ally, Looking For Fresh recruits.. Hit me Up on Line : screaminroulette

We are looking for 300K+ Rating, at least 1 x 5*(4/55), a Few 5*(3/45) and then a minimum of 8 x 4* (5/50)
We need experienced and skilled players... we were founded When AW Seasons Started with a Goal to Climb the ranks and be part of the top alliances...

we have a great core of players, and want to add to that...

we have a 100% clear rate where we clear all 3 BG's in AWO,

We mean Business,
there is no Minimum Requirements... or donations...

We do Map 3 During AW Placement & Map 2 During AW Attack....,
AQ is required to complete, it keeps the Crystals & Glory Flowing, our end Prestige on day 5 is around 8300+ so we complete all milestones...

We meet SA every week....

War takes priority, when it comes to the rest we are pretty laid back and have fun.... If you feel like joining in and helping out and becoming part of a brotherhood, please contact me....

We need 1 or 2 members to join in once war matchmaking is down...


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