Arena Rewards Not Awarded and Kabam brushing off the MCOC community questions as per usual.

It's this simple, and it's becoming a baseline for Kabams neglect to the players, but I cannot recall a SINGLE time that a bug/glitch/system error that actually BENEFITED the players was not rectified within a maximum of 1hr. Yet here we are again the victims of a glitch or error that is NEGATIVELY affecting us and as usual Kabam are pretending it isn't important and will fix it whenever they get time......
When a bug affects Kabam they pounce on it because every second we are gaining an advantage for, their mistakes, is costing the thousands and thousands of dollars. However when a bug does not have any negative or financial effects on Kabam nor disadvantage them in any way they just don't take it seriously.
I mean there's countless posts about arena rewards on here yet I can find only 1 response from Kabam and as usual it says absolutely nothing nor provide any form of justification or solutions. Their key word of "soon" emphasises how little they care about making things right again. All that means is it will eventually be either fixed or forgotten about and we need to just deal with it.
but hey, I don't expect any different from them anymore. It's who they are....
When a bug affects Kabam they pounce on it because every second we are gaining an advantage for, their mistakes, is costing the thousands and thousands of dollars. However when a bug does not have any negative or financial effects on Kabam nor disadvantage them in any way they just don't take it seriously.
I mean there's countless posts about arena rewards on here yet I can find only 1 response from Kabam and as usual it says absolutely nothing nor provide any form of justification or solutions. Their key word of "soon" emphasises how little they care about making things right again. All that means is it will eventually be either fixed or forgotten about and we need to just deal with it.
but hey, I don't expect any different from them anymore. It's who they are....
Looks like you're the one that already got their rank rewards
While I personally did not participate in any of the Mordo + Gamora arenas, I know that a friend of mine invested his whole weekend to obtain Mordo for his roster and I can sympathize with those who should have received their rewards but didn't, regardless of their rankings.
They don't choose what to fix because it benefits them. It's their product. They want it to work.
On a side note, it's 3:35 in the morning where they are. People will get their Rewards. I'm sorry hey had to wait, but there's no need to stress.
Websnatcher, why you change your name? My mordo is already at sig99 so I wasn't affected, but quit lowering your standards, this is not a bunch of kids that made a game in their garage. It's a mega company with tons of resources.
My name is GroundedWisdom.
As for the subject, people have a right to be frustrated. However, the expectations of having 24/7 service and things fixed instantaneously are completely unrealistic.
Miike has been here and explained they are doing what they can. Patience would be more useful than repeated Posts and slamming the company based on what we think they should be capable of doing. I'm not sure what your understanding on their team is, but we're not dealing with Microsoft here. They do the best they can, and they are training more staff at the moment.
No, when people spend three days grinding for a reward and don't get what is expected at the normal time, then posts slamming the company is exactly what should be expected. Why exactly are you the one that is surprised here?
patience would be more useful? So you thin if no one said a word that they would work harder to fix and rectify the problem? Bwahahahahhahahahaha
You think the venting is going to make it happen faster? Once they're aware of it, there's really nothing more you can do until they fix it. I understand why people are upset. When a Mod comes on and says they're on it, there's nothing people can do but wait. The rest is just reacting.
Stop trying to moderate the board, I guess a tiger just can't change its stripes. Stop trying to tell people what they should or should not be doing. If people are frustrated and want to vent, why is that an issue for you? Tired of seeing it? Don't click on the thread, it was very obvious what this thread was about. Unbelievable.
I'm not Moderating anything. Tried to let people know that it's been acknowledged. When I click on a Thread and see it's used as a platform to compound issues, then it's useful to clarify. For example, they don't pick and choose what issues to fix. If you have an issue with my comments, you're free to walk away from them.