Something Weird Happened to Me Today...

I was fighting Thanos in the Uncollected event today, just for practice and all. Got him down to 25% with Hulk then proceeded to die because I'm a scrub. So I decide to just go into the fight with the last champion I have left, Ghost Rider, and I load into the fight. The two run at each other, all seems to be working fine. But he stops. He doesn't move, doesn't attack me, doesn't dash back. So I do the sensible thing: I chain a five hit combo onto him, and immediately dash back to prepare for the intercept I will inevitably fail.
But he still doesn't move.
Thanos was frozen on my screen for a good 3 minutes, in which time I proceeded to do the must unnatural faceroll of an Uncollected boss ever. I just kept on chaining 5 hit combos onto him, and eventually he died.
This is very unusual. Has it happened to anyone else? Kabam if you ever read this I was on an iPhone 5S...maybe that makes a difference?
But he still doesn't move.
Thanos was frozen on my screen for a good 3 minutes, in which time I proceeded to do the must unnatural faceroll of an Uncollected boss ever. I just kept on chaining 5 hit combos onto him, and eventually he died.
This is very unusual. Has it happened to anyone else? Kabam if you ever read this I was on an iPhone 5S...maybe that makes a difference?
I don't consider myself lucky tbh...i'm now afraid Kabam will (unrightfully so) ban me for hacking or whatnot. This is a FULL DISCLOSURE: I swear to Kabam Miike and all the other moderators that I have never once used a hack.
I'm not smart enough.
Buuuut... Surely THIS WILL BE THE ONE GLITCH TO BE FIXED SOONER THAN LATER.. just like the resto of the ones currently present at the game...
But we can keep ones that give the ai unfair advantages