Black Bolt Refresh Idea (Long)

I have some extra comments at the end of the abilities description about why I it turned out like it did, so here it goes:
Electron Harnessing
Black Bolt gains Electrons each time he is struck during battle. When he harnesses 100 Electrons, he passively gains power to the next threshold over 3.0 seconds and his next special attack becomes unblockable.
-Light Attacks gain 5 Electrons
-Medium Attacks gain 10 Electrons
-Heavy Attacks gain 15 Electrons
-Special Attacks gain 25 Electrons
His Electron Harnessing ability allows him to passively gain a bar of power every [20] seconds for the duration of the fight.
-30% Energy resistance
-Poison immunity
Battle tests Black Bolts restraint. Each time he is struck by a Critical Hit, he has a [50%] chance to gain a Cruelty or Precision buff.
-Cruelty increases critical damage by [20%]
-Precision increases critical rating by [20%]
Each time Black Bolt successfully evades an attack triggering the Dexterity Mastery or blocks an attack triggering the Parry Mastery, he gains one Provocation Charge. Cooldown: 0.80 Seconds. Max: 10 charges
Each Provocation Charge grants [+20%] Attack on all basic attacks.
When he gains 10 Provocation charges he can activate a Master Blow on his next Special or Heavy Attack
Master Blow
-Black Bolt consumes 10 Provocation Charges to activate a Master Blow on a Heavy or Special Attack
-A Master Blow increases Attack by [250%], critical rating by [250%], and critical damage by [250%] for the duration of these attacks.
-This attack also has a [+250% base armor rating] Armor Penetration Rating.
-Cooldown: 15 seconds
Basic and Heavy Attacks
-These attacks have a zero Critical and Critical Damage rating at the start of each fight.
Special Attacks 1 and 2
-This attack deals True Damage, ignoring all of the opponents armor
-If he has 10 Provocation Charges, this attack can activate a Master Blow
-If this attack is not a Master Blow, he gains [+10%] Attack, [+10%] Critical rating, and [+10%] Critical Damage rating for each Provocation Charge stored.
Special Attack 3
-This Attack causes Armor Shattered, reducing Armor Rating by [+1000% Base Armor] for 25 seconds. This debuff shatters Robot Champions systems, reducing their Ability Accuracy and Power Gain by 100%.
Remove Karnak from Family Synergy and add a Unique Inhuman Royal Family Synergy with Karnak
-Black Bolt: Reduces the Master Blow cooldown timer by 35%
-Karnak: Increases the Special Attack 3 Defensive Ability Accuracy duration by 35%
Modify Medusa Unique Synergy:
-Black Bolt: Provocation generates up to 5 permanent Provocation Charges and Armor Shattered lasts 35% longer.
Overall Theme
My motivation for creating this refresh post is that I have recently discovered how interesting the Inhumans are through ABC TV series and Marvel Knights Motion Comic Series and specifically how powerful Black Bolt is. Compared to the most powerful characters in the game and in the Marvel universe, he can definitely hold his own and his game version barely scratches the surface of what he can do. His main power is electron and particle manipulation which he can use to do all kinds of amazing things like creating a force field that can deflect solar flares, asteroids, and even weather elements, destroy entire planets, fly, and create matter out of thin air. Obviously he can’t be that over-powered in the game, but i tried to bring in some of those elements into my version.
For his play style in the Contest, I envisioned playing him like he has a permanent Power Shield boost on. As a hero, he can pack a lot of punch in just one hit which is why I overloaded his special heavy attacks and removed the critical chance from his base attacks. This will give him the ability to do a lot of damage on just a few hits, but not on every hit so that he has some balance.
For the same reasons stated above, I added several new abilities to Black Bolt and designed him so that he activates mostly all of them (except Master Blow) when he is attacked as opposed to when he attacks. This was important and consistent with how he battles in the comics - he doesn’t strike me as much of an instigator, more like a retaliator. In fact he tends to work harder to suppress his powers than his enemies do. Also, I tried to only use elements and mechanics that already exist in the game with other champions so it would be more practical.
Possible Animation Changes
Heavy Attack: I would change his heavy attack animation to match Iron Fist’s, Vision’s, or the uppercut (Ultron, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, etc…) heavy animation. Ideally I would use a multi-hit animation like Vision’s, something with a punch.
Special Attack 1: My first choice is Hyperion’s special attack 1 animation because it has a punch, a “head” beam, and he flies. It might look a little weird but I think his special attacks should be a multi-hit attacks with some beam or voice animation. My second choice would be a multi hit beams like Cyclops or Yellow Jacket.
Special Attack 2: My first choice would be Hyperion’s special attack 2 because of the two punches and the “blowing” attack. My second choice would be Psylocke’s special attack 2. Yellow Jacket and Cyclops animations might be good options as well.
Thanks for reading and let me know what y’all think.
Electron Harnessing
Black Bolt gains Electrons each time he is struck during battle. When he harnesses 100 Electrons, he passively gains power to the next threshold over 3.0 seconds and his next special attack becomes unblockable.
-Light Attacks gain 5 Electrons
-Medium Attacks gain 10 Electrons
-Heavy Attacks gain 15 Electrons
-Special Attacks gain 25 Electrons
His Electron Harnessing ability allows him to passively gain a bar of power every [20] seconds for the duration of the fight.
-30% Energy resistance
-Poison immunity
Battle tests Black Bolts restraint. Each time he is struck by a Critical Hit, he has a [50%] chance to gain a Cruelty or Precision buff.
-Cruelty increases critical damage by [20%]
-Precision increases critical rating by [20%]
Each time Black Bolt successfully evades an attack triggering the Dexterity Mastery or blocks an attack triggering the Parry Mastery, he gains one Provocation Charge. Cooldown: 0.80 Seconds. Max: 10 charges
Each Provocation Charge grants [+20%] Attack on all basic attacks.
When he gains 10 Provocation charges he can activate a Master Blow on his next Special or Heavy Attack
Master Blow
-Black Bolt consumes 10 Provocation Charges to activate a Master Blow on a Heavy or Special Attack
-A Master Blow increases Attack by [250%], critical rating by [250%], and critical damage by [250%] for the duration of these attacks.
-This attack also has a [+250% base armor rating] Armor Penetration Rating.
-Cooldown: 15 seconds
Basic and Heavy Attacks
-These attacks have a zero Critical and Critical Damage rating at the start of each fight.
Special Attacks 1 and 2
-This attack deals True Damage, ignoring all of the opponents armor
-If he has 10 Provocation Charges, this attack can activate a Master Blow
-If this attack is not a Master Blow, he gains [+10%] Attack, [+10%] Critical rating, and [+10%] Critical Damage rating for each Provocation Charge stored.
Special Attack 3
-This Attack causes Armor Shattered, reducing Armor Rating by [+1000% Base Armor] for 25 seconds. This debuff shatters Robot Champions systems, reducing their Ability Accuracy and Power Gain by 100%.
Remove Karnak from Family Synergy and add a Unique Inhuman Royal Family Synergy with Karnak
-Black Bolt: Reduces the Master Blow cooldown timer by 35%
-Karnak: Increases the Special Attack 3 Defensive Ability Accuracy duration by 35%
Modify Medusa Unique Synergy:
-Black Bolt: Provocation generates up to 5 permanent Provocation Charges and Armor Shattered lasts 35% longer.
Overall Theme
My motivation for creating this refresh post is that I have recently discovered how interesting the Inhumans are through ABC TV series and Marvel Knights Motion Comic Series and specifically how powerful Black Bolt is. Compared to the most powerful characters in the game and in the Marvel universe, he can definitely hold his own and his game version barely scratches the surface of what he can do. His main power is electron and particle manipulation which he can use to do all kinds of amazing things like creating a force field that can deflect solar flares, asteroids, and even weather elements, destroy entire planets, fly, and create matter out of thin air. Obviously he can’t be that over-powered in the game, but i tried to bring in some of those elements into my version.
For his play style in the Contest, I envisioned playing him like he has a permanent Power Shield boost on. As a hero, he can pack a lot of punch in just one hit which is why I overloaded his special heavy attacks and removed the critical chance from his base attacks. This will give him the ability to do a lot of damage on just a few hits, but not on every hit so that he has some balance.
For the same reasons stated above, I added several new abilities to Black Bolt and designed him so that he activates mostly all of them (except Master Blow) when he is attacked as opposed to when he attacks. This was important and consistent with how he battles in the comics - he doesn’t strike me as much of an instigator, more like a retaliator. In fact he tends to work harder to suppress his powers than his enemies do. Also, I tried to only use elements and mechanics that already exist in the game with other champions so it would be more practical.
Possible Animation Changes
Heavy Attack: I would change his heavy attack animation to match Iron Fist’s, Vision’s, or the uppercut (Ultron, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, etc…) heavy animation. Ideally I would use a multi-hit animation like Vision’s, something with a punch.
Special Attack 1: My first choice is Hyperion’s special attack 1 animation because it has a punch, a “head” beam, and he flies. It might look a little weird but I think his special attacks should be a multi-hit attacks with some beam or voice animation. My second choice would be a multi hit beams like Cyclops or Yellow Jacket.
Special Attack 2: My first choice would be Hyperion’s special attack 2 because of the two punches and the “blowing” attack. My second choice would be Psylocke’s special attack 2. Yellow Jacket and Cyclops animations might be good options as well.
Thanks for reading and let me know what y’all think.
Truthfully, I like this a lot. I don't necessarily love the fact that he can't crit on his basics and doesn't proc Fury or Crits from his attacks under your changes, BUT, again BUT, I do understand your approach for the sake of balance.
From what I am reading, I would play this version of Black Bolt a lot more than I do now.
One last thing: The Illuminati guys need a Synergy. It's probably the most interesting thing that has happened in comics with Black Bolt, OG Black Panther, Beast and Doctor Strange in the past 25 years. Not even joking. OG Iron Man needs to be included in it, as well.
You said basic and heavy attacks didn't have the ability to crit, but then a master blow can be activated by a heavy when at 10 charges? I'm a little confused on if the heavy would then be able to crit.
Since you brought up electron manipulation, maybe give him some small % chance to absorb and generate power from or auto block energy specials.
Would keep long stun on special 3 and inflict lengthy concussion. Remove all armor for stun duration.
Wouldn't change IRF synergy too much either. 6 fury buffs are too much fun. Karnak really benefits from the faster focus. BB's part on keeping 5 charges is too high. Three charges like Sparky gets with Blade is more reasonable.
But I do like the overall idea here. Nice post
@ESF yeah I figured the no crit base attacks and heavies would be hard to swallow but I tried to add enough boosts to his specials that he would end up doing the same amount of damage with each special as the crits and combos would add up to. Meaning 12 base attacks + S1 with my version would be a bit more damage than 12 base attacks with crits + S1 with current game version. He wouldn’t lose the crit damage from base attacks, it would basically get added to his specials. If that makes sense. Thanks again for your feedback!
@StavelotXote yeah I couldn’t come up with anything to help out suicides other than recoil immunity lol. About the heavy attack and master blow, the master blow has built in crit and crit damage just for that attack and I worded the “zero damage” line to state that he only starts each fight at zero and left it open for him to add to it temporarily or permanently through master blow or cruelty and precision buffs.
I got rid of the stuns because I added power gain to him and those two don’t go very well together, but I do like your idea of adding concussion or even shock damage to his S3. I didn’t really know what to do with his S3 and love Medusa’s armor shatter so I was just lazy on that one lol.
I love Medusa’s IRF synergy too and I meant To only change the text of B.B. part in her synergy text. Keep everything else as it is. The main reason I put 5 permanent charges as opposed to 3 is because unlike starky, my version Bolt is trying to use them up where with stark your trying to keep all 10 if that makes sense. It basically allows his to use his master blow twice as much compared to without the synergy. My original version of electron harnessing had zero provocation charges and everything was tied to electrons. I had an ability to absorb high damage with electrons and both parry and dexterity added electrons instead of getting charges. It seemed too over powered so I decided to just post this version I might post it later when I get back home to my computer. Thanks again for your input!
Black bolts voice alone would shatter armor as well
Electron Manipulation
Electron Harnessing
-5 Electrons from each Light Attack
-10 Electrons from each Medium Attack
-15 Electrons from each Heavy Attack
-30 Electrons from each Special Attack
-20 Electrons each time he successfully evades an attack that triggers the Dexterity Mastery
-25 Electrons for each Blocked attack that triggers the Parry Mastery.
-1 Electron for each Blocked hit
-Cruelty increases critical damage by [20%]
-Precision increases critical rating by [20%]
Master Blow
Basic and Heavy Attacks
Special Attacks 1 and 2
Special Attack 3
Black Bolt Synergy
-Black Bolt: Increases Concussion duration by 35%
-Karnak: Increases the Special Attack 3 Defensive Ability Accuracy duration by 35%
Medusa Synergy
- Modify Medusa Unique Synergy with Black Bolt:
Thanks for reading!-Black Bolt: Passively Harnesses 1 Electron every second for the duration of the fight.
Edit: Formatting issues