Do you want Peter W (from Deadpool 2) in MCoC? What abilities you wish he has?

Peter W finally twitted! Wow! And he was recruited by Deadpool! How awesome especially he claimed he has no mutant power. Best teammate ever! Do you want him in MCoC? What ability you expect from him?
Do you want Peter W (from Deadpool 2) in MCoC? What abilities you wish he has? 34 votes
No, I don't want Peter W, he is too funny, MCoC is suppsed to be serious
No, I don't want Peter W, he is too funny, I will loose matches when using him
Peter From Deadpool 2’s X-Force Has His Own Twitter Account
Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer
Abilities: Poison Immune, Regen, Evade, Bleed, Incinerate, Fury
Classless: Peter isn't particularly skilled, doesn't know much about science beyond beekeeping, is a pretty low tech guy, has no cosmic connections, is afraid of mysticism, and definitely is not a mutant. As such Peter never gains class advantage nor does he ever suffer from it.
Ouch!: On well timed blocks, Peter gets upset that you are hitting him. He gains a passive fury increasing his attack by 25% for 20 seconds. Maximum of 10 stacks.
Special 1:
Diabetes Type I
Peter has a natural loss of insulin producing beta cells, and all this fighting is wearing him out. He pulls out a candy bar which rejuvenates him, causing him to regen 20% health over 10 seconds and gaining +40% chance to evade over 10 seconds. It's a tasty sugar high.
Special 2:
Diabetes Type II
Peter also has diabetes from living an unhealthy lifestyle. Peter has been treating his by trying to get out more and by joining the X-Force. For this special attack he takes a beat and sends a text to Deadpool, who pops in quickly and performs 3 actions before leaving just as quickly. Deadpool slashes the opponent with his sword, inflicting a permanent bleed dealing 5% of Peter's current attack rating with every second (up to 10 stacks per fight). Next Deadpool tapes some c4 on the opponent's back, which explodes 30 seconds later, resulting in a permanent incinerate debuff on the opponent, dealing 5% of Peter's current attack rating with every second (up to 10 stacks per fight). Finally, Deadpool ball checks Peter and kisses his cheek before leaving, resulting in 5% instant damage to Peter and making him very angry, granting a 20 second passive fury buff that increases Peter's attack by 75%.
Special 3:
Oh no, the bees are high on PCP!
Peter likes his bees to be pretty chilled out, but Deadpool has secretly loaded a bunch of PCP into his beehive smoker and now his bees are very angry. They sting both Peter and his opponent, but Peter's lifelong experience as an apiarist has resulted in full immunity to beestings and surprisingly to all toxins in the battle realm. His opponent however suffers a permanent poison, dealing 10% of Peter's current attack rating per second (up to 5 stacks per fight).