Which champion would be best for Act 4 and AQ?

spfspiderspfspider Member Posts: 20
I have a choice of either raising unduped Luke Cage or unduped Rogue to Rank 4/40. Which champion would be the most helpful for getting through Act 4 and in general for AQ? My current 4/40 4* are Morningstar, Nightcrawler, Angela, and Red Hulk.


  • Cujo999Cujo999 Member Posts: 117
    LC is going to be a better AQ champ. As far as progression goes, Rogue is a great champ for several parts of Act 5 and is also the best power control champ you listed. I would probably say LC if AQ is the priority, Rogue if you're more focused on story progression.
  • spfspiderspfspider Member Posts: 20
    I appreciate both of your suggestions. Overall I'm going to raise them both to 4/40 but I decided to raise Cage first because he works better for my play style and he is very helpful in alliance quest. I look forward to using Rogue as well, but it may be a few weeks, hopefully, before I can get her there.
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