player 310K only 4/5 champs many r5 for 55533 alliance gold 3 8 millions


i m looking for an alliance 7/8 millions no more tier 4/8 aw
55533 something like no full 5 because i want breath and relax...
aw gold 3 focus with 3 and sometimes 2 groups no assigned path people are smart enough to know where to go
all events except arena
line for communication or just in the game

you can find me in the game : cyrillus ventus


  • DickonDickon Member Posts: 11
    Just sent you request brother.
  • OzanovicOzanovic Member Posts: 18
    Hi bro,
    9+mln active alli. We do aq map55533 and aw tier 9 with 3 bg. Aq no path assign, aw path assign but your preference is asked. We can use an active player like yourself.

    Lineid:0zanovic (the first 0 is the number zero)
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