What Cutoff Do I Need For 3* Featured Crystal?

What Cutoff Do I Need For 3* Featured Crystal? 24 votes

DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34 1 vote
ZodiakAquariusBahamutChampioncriticVoltolosLucyTaylor 5 votes
humzah217ninexhelixSpeedbumpRavenrob_33DERPYREVENGERDarkrider05SpiritOfVengeanceSpiderCoolsJJGcx23433VaultmcoctopXxLoganTDCxXWabobaKDSuperFlash10IBlueShiftIcx234333Chainslayer 18 votes


    ? I don’t even know what a 3 star featured crystal is. Do you mean:
    3 star featured champ
    3 star 2017 crystal
    3 star crystal splash to win a top prize

    Or something different?
  • DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34 Member Posts: 40
    I Meant Arena.
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    1000k... Is that actually what you meant to put down? Lol
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    1.6 mil+ pretty much guarantees any champ in that arena
  • DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34 Member Posts: 40
    1000k... Is that actually what you meant to put down? Lol

  • TachyonShadowTachyonShadow Member Posts: 118
    edited May 2018
    What is a 3 star featured crystal?
    Do you mean the ultimate crystal in the crystal splash arena or the 3 star featured champion in the 3 day arena?

    If it is the latter then new champs you can be safe at 1.2m and old champs between 700k to 750k

    No clue about ultimate crystal
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    It all depends on bracket you in newbie, next lvl, and expert(which everyone is in in what 6 months or is it 3)

    Experts I lil over 1.6mil

    Was playing before they changed it so I don’t know the numbers for the other 2
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited May 2018
    Once you're in the game for 2 months (out of the beginner & intermediate brackets), the 3* Featured arena champ will go for anything between 700k all the way up to 1.5m depending on if they are old champs (really low) or new & highly desired champs (up to 1.5m).

    At their peak, I was seeing new 3* champs going for almost 1.6m, but over the last few months it's actually dropped to about 1.1m for the new champs.
    The recent cutoffs can be found here and are a good indicator for upcoming champs:

    If it's a champ that's been in the game for a while (like Nebula), then an extra few fights beyond the milestones is all you need (~700k). Really easy 4* shards that way if you already have that champ. 200 from the ranked rewards plus 55 more from the dupe.

    Specifically for someone like Infinity Captain, I would expect somewhere around 1.1m
  • DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34DA_REAL_RyanTGM_34 Member Posts: 40
    What is a 3 star featured crystal?
    Do you mean the ultimate crystal in the crystal splash arena or the 3 star featured champion in the 3 day arena?

    If it is the latter then new champs you can be safe at 1.2m and old champs between 700k to 750k

    No clue about ultimate crystal

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    1.2 Mil should get Cap.
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