
How good is cable?

Just happened to have pulled a 5 star cable. Since I have no prior experience with him, I'd like to know how far does he worth ranking up to?

Additionally, I already have AW defence set as NC, Mordo, Mephisto, Ultron and OG Spiderman. Please comment if any of these needs to be replaced with cable


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    Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Posts: 561 ★★★
    hes good for aw defence since he causes degen when his opponent bleeds him (unless they are a robot)
    also his s2 causes concussion and incinerate so theres that. a 5* cable is good to have
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    Vegeta9000Vegeta9000 Posts: 204 ★★
    Ultron and Cable are roughly the same level of defensive capabilities, except Cable isnt affected by the disease that is Blade. And since most high tier wars are at least 6 teams of blade, heroes are invaluable
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