Which 4* Champion should I rank 5?

jilanibuxjilanibux Member Posts: 64
Deciding which 4* I should take to Rank 5 next. Currently have duped Blade at 5/50 and T4 Basic Catalysts go as quick as they come.

Which 4* Champion should I rank 5? 26 votes

Hyperion (Unduped)
Medusa (Sig Level 19)
JiNTarkanStewmanBuckeyeKPParindaSavio444xananabananaRiggs_97Danny_MutantWharf8RicemanAspareRA_4RCats4lifeWabobaSpark99KDSuperFlash10VoltolosIBlueShiftI 18 votes
Magik (Sig Level 20)
buffajrLt_Magnum_1ShaheerFIazshadow_lurker22candyheroFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 6 votes
Mephisto (Sig Level 1)
SpiritOfVengeanceSpiderCools 2 votes


  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Medusa (Sig Level 19)
    Got a hard decision to make there!! But medusa is a great champ, destroys sentinels if you have a prob with aq, as well as other robots champs. Poison immune and good for other things to.
  • jilanibuxjilanibux Member Posts: 64
    Savio444 wrote: »
    Got a hard decision to make there!! But medusa is a great champ, destroys sentinels if you have a prob with aq, as well as other robots champs. Poison immune and good for other things to.

    I use Medusa in AQ all the time since she solves most sentinel problems (except skill). And you're right it is a hard choice I've asked my members of my ally and they said the exact same thing! Magik and Hyperion are both Amazing which is why I can't decide
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Magik (Sig Level 20)
    Magik has the best power control in the game. She may have lost a lot of value as an AW defender due to Blade being meta in AW attack but she can still be a pain on surprise nodes.
  • troll2142314troll2142314 Member Posts: 1
  • jilanibuxjilanibux Member Posts: 64
    Magik has the best power control in the game. She may have lost a lot of value as an AW defender due to Blade being meta in AW attack but she can still be a pain on surprise nodes.

    Which is my Dilemma because I love Magik her power control and Limbo save me a lot, and on top of that she sits on final island in Defense (she'll be boss once Rank 5)
  • candyherocandyhero Member Posts: 60
    Magik (Sig Level 20)
    well thats a cool magik character u got is she good
  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    Medusa (Sig Level 19)
    Medusa is a way better boss than magik for AW
  • AspareAspare Member Posts: 76
    Medusa (Sig Level 19)
    I would say Medusa BUT if you're only using her for AQ I use a r4 4* Medusa for map 5 and she gets the job done. I took my Hyperion to rank 5 instead of Madusa to use him for questing, they're both realy fun champs, smooth, and easy to play. I would just flip a coin, you can't go wrong with either
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