Carnage Buff Update?



  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2018
    I have some cat4 class waiting for carnage buff, but its getting hard to hold on to it because i also have a dup ronan on the list
    Should i wait for the buff or should i go for ronan?
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Jokepool wrote: »
    I have some cat4 class waiting for carnage buff, but its getting hard to hold on to it because i also have a dup ronan on the list
    Should i wait for the buff or should i go for ronan?

    I would recommend you wait for Carnage's buff. Ronan is okay, not too great, not too bad.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    When Kabam said that they were going to buff Carnage in June/July last year in October, it seemed like so far in the future, but June is next month! We will probably be seeing a Carnage buff in a few weeks!
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    When Kabam said that they were going to buff Carnage in June/July last year in October, it seemed like so far in the future, but June is next month! We will probably be seeing a Carnage buff in a few weeks!

    Really hope so
    Let the madness begin 😄😄
  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    When Kabam said that they were going to buff Carnage in June/July last year in October, it seemed like so far in the future, but June is next month! We will probably be seeing a Carnage buff in a few weeks!

    It’s needed and we have been waiting long enough. But I wouldn’t get your hopes. They also said they don’t buff new champs and then buffed sentry a month later. Carnage was too OP before they released him so they nerfed him right before release and now he just sucks. I have a 5* at 3/45 duped 130 and he is still useless. Great design and look of the character ruined by his game play. We are ready kabam.
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Let this serve as a petition to Kabam to fix Carnage!! Instead Luke Cage and Red Hulk got Buffed and Carnage is still sitting there on an embarrassing level of power and damage output. He should even get a regeneration ability since he's a Symbiote.

    Please Kabam, please fix Carnage!! And while your at it give Doctor Strange a much needed Buff as well. He deserves it. He's another one of those fan favorite champions who has dropped away from view because of the way Kabam Nerfed him. He literally has no use now. Imagine, someone sees Infinity War, and sees how powerful The doc was in the movie and they Download this game to see him, and they get him and they are like What's this????

    Please make some changes to our beloved favorite classic champions. I mean you made Proxima Midnight the heaviest hitting champion in the game, and left Strange so weak in comparrison.

    I Have to ask, why did Rulk get buffed? No one was asking for it, though they were Luke Cage. Should have been Joe Fix it or Shulk. Guess they wanted 6* crystals to mean more. Why not announce more buffs so we stop talking conspiracies?
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Carnage is my favorite champion in the whole game and when he gets what he needs there's going to be a bloodbath in the contest.. and what he needs ? [MY OPINION]
    1.Regenerate [we can all agree that carnage should have regenerate - makes sense]
    2.Longer stacks of bleed [Cletus Kasady is a serial killer and a symbiote]
    3.Bloodlust should gain more power
    4.i don't think more Health is necessary.. lower health makes player play more aggressive
    5.More critical damage + a bit more base attack [just a bit of both]
    6.Some kinda symbiote Degenerate when he makes contact or hits a Sp [with a Dark icon]

    again [MY OPINION]

    They said he got nerfed because he could kill WS in 60 hits. Why the hell not test him in LoL? WS means nothing these days. Proxima got overhyped because of that, yet only does 50k max in LoL. SL and Sparky kill faster than Carnage I'm sure. Hell even AA probably kills in less hits than pre nerf Carnage. But we'll never know now because instead of making money off his crystals, Kabam chose to nerf what hadn't even been beta tested by the Content Creators
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

    They said he got nerfed because he could kill WS in 60 hits. Why the hell not test him in LoL? WS means nothing these days. Proxima got overhyped because of that, yet only does 50k max in LoL. SL and Sparky kill faster than Carnage I'm sure. Hell even AA probably kills in less hits than pre nerf Carnage. But we'll never know now because instead of making money off his crystals, Kabam chose to nerf what hadn't even been beta tested by the Content Creators

    At least a bit more health

    Make him epic!

    I’ve seen Archangel beat WS in 29 hits.

  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    If they just gave him higher health, higher attack and maybe bleed on crit hits, that would satisfy many people.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    If they just gave him higher health, higher attack and maybe bleed on crit hits, that would satisfy many people.

    Nop,not after all this wait..
    He need to be crazy good or people ar going to keep on the case
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    If they just gave him higher health, higher attack and maybe bleed on crit hits, that would satisfy many people.

    Maybe if it was a couple months after release, but now most people will be outraged if he’s any worse than a Demigod.
  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    Jokepool wrote: »

    Nop,not after all this wait..
    He need to be crazy good or people ar going to keep on the case

    You are right. Guess I’ve been waiting too long so settling to mediocre when he needs to be crazy good.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Instant mutation or really short mutation time
  • XSparksXSparks Member Posts: 2
    Please please buff Carnage and make him a sought after champ
    Stop making new Avengers and buff Carnage!!!!!
  • BlackFreQuencyBlackFreQuency Member Posts: 91
    They said he got nerfed because he could kill WS in 60 hits. Why the hell not test him in LoL? WS means nothing these days. Proxima got overhyped because of that, yet only does 50k max in LoL. SL and Sparky kill faster than Carnage I'm sure. Hell even AA probably kills in less hits than pre nerf Carnage. But we'll never know now because instead of making money off his crystals, Kabam chose to nerf what hadn't even been beta tested by the Content Creators [/quote]

    i'm not surprised.. they mess up a lot.. like new ironman infinity war (WTH) we're waiting for carnage to get buff up for a year and ironman gets a third version ridiculously overpowered with no sense.. they just want to have a top tier ironman that actually doesn't suck but why like this ?! i mean i get the armor and regen , incinerate and shock but why would ironman have a power gain and auto-block ?! i'm just saying he has a mix of every single ability in the game.. makes no sense.. and we have to wait a year for carnage to get buff
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike , is the promised Carnage buff in June/July still happening? I really hope it is! Also, are you going to be realeasing new Info about beta testing and champion buffs? Thank you!

    @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    In the thread about Kabam giving some answers, @Kabam Miike responded by talking about many of our questions (which I am thankful about) EXCEPT for a big one, BETA TESTING AND CHAMPION BUFFS, especially CARNAGE’s BUFF!

    Can you please give us some answers on this?
  • JEbertJEbert Member Posts: 169
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    Jokepool wrote: »
    I have some cat4 class waiting for carnage buff, but its getting hard to hold on to it because i also have a dup ronan on the list
    Should i wait for the buff or should i go for ronan?

    Carnage is awful, which is a shame. I'd love a change, but wouldn't hold my breath.

    Ronan is a great champion who is underrated. If you have him Awakened as a 4* or 5*, then I say, take him up. There are so many champs he can counter, and so many nodes he can beat. 'Resistor' is my current favourite node in the Thanos trials, because Ronan just annihilates it.

    He's not Blade or Sparky, but he's a really decent champ for questing; and particularly for dealing with the sort of nodes you get in the 'Trials' and the 'Chadwick/Boseman' type of missions.

    Except stun immunity... That can be a problem...
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Carnage buff hopefully coming soon in June/July as promised!

    Any input, @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
  • ACIDUCKACIDUCK Member Posts: 64
    blade is the only good champion lol
  • ACIDUCKACIDUCK Member Posts: 64
    they actually probly just made blade into what carnage was supposed to be and called it a day... thats MY BOY CARNAGE’s power not blades... not danger sense, i mean the whole regen power gain bleed thing. thats this dudes power! xD
    i love carnage
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    ACIDUCK wrote: »
    but in respects for my man carnage i will drop some feedback, cuz when i posted this same exact thread last week they removed it before anyone could see it.

    Carnage has forever been my favorite, as well as many others, in the MU community. i know kabam works things differently in their game as opposed to how powerful each champ is and what they can do, from game to reality(or fantasy lol)but the truth is carnage is a monster who does in fact deserve to be god tier. People shouldn’t complain just because they have him and he’s weak, but instead this should have been tooken more serious from the get go, as he is one of the most iconic villians in & outside of spiderman.

    now for fun... or to try and help you guys figure out whats tooken more than half a year now to figure out,

    1- i think carnage should very much so have bleeds on basic hits like wolverine and x23.

    2- a bloodlust should give him increased power gain or a regen when opponent is bleeding

    3- his suit is ALIVE. he should have an auto-block mechanic similar to medusas

    4- no matter how u make him get regen(sp3 or from cutting away) he should have it and it should be at the least x23 level. his suit is basically alien sludge mixed with his blood cells...

    5- his damage output wouldnt be too important really if he had the bleeds going but really it could be turned up man, it is probly the worst in the game hands down, and for being the dude he is in the MU, THIS IS A BIG SHAME.

    6- if your too busy with other things and just want a lazy fix, forget all of that and just give him x-23 or wolverines base-skin-utility. people really wouldnt mind that, i dont think... i mean, it works.

    7- he should be blade level, lol

    no...... better (:

    #buffcarnage #stoplagging #justgetitdone
    #showsomelove #howdareyou #7monthslater
    #ohyeahbuffcarnage #noimeamreallyBUFFCARNAGE ...... peace

    I really like your ideas. For all of our wait, he should honestly be god tier level, at least Demi-god Tier Level.

    #buffcarnage #stoplagging #justgetitdone
    #showsomelove #howdareyou #7monthslater
    #ohyeahbuffcarnage #noimeamreallyBUFFCARNAGE
  • BlackFreQuencyBlackFreQuency Member Posts: 91

    I really like your ideas. For all of our wait, he should honestly be god tier level, at least Demi-god Tier Level.

    #buffcarnage #stoplagging #justgetitdone
    #showsomelove #howdareyou #7monthslater
    #ohyeahbuffcarnage #noimeamreallyBUFFCARNAGE

    i think it should be CARNAGE-tier then god-tier and demi-god tier.. so yea

    #buffcarnage #buffcarnage2018 #whydidntyoubuffcarnage2017 #plzdontremovecomments #anddontwarnme #imagooddude #justiceforourserialkiller
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

    i think it should be CARNAGE-tier then god-tier and demi-god tier.. so yea

    #buffcarnage #buffcarnage2018 #whydidntyoubuffcarnage2017 #plzdontremovecomments #anddontwarnme #imagooddude #justiceforourserialkiller

    Better than Blade
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Brain grant Made a video about him. You should check it out @KDSuperFlash10
  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    Love the renewed attention this is getting. Keep it up guys. #Carnagebuff2018
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Continuously bumping a thread isn't going to speed any process up on this. When there's information to provide, it'll be provided. At the moment it's been shared, that is all I can provide at this time.

    I'm closing this thread as it just continues to be spammed by posts that are not constructive towards this matter.
This discussion has been closed.