AI Full Blocked Combo and Parry Bug

The above clip was taken from an AW Boss fight against Dormammu. Dormmammu finishes his combo with a 2nd medium attack, then parries Dr. Voodoo's immediate counter attack. Players are not able to finish combos and then parry counter attacks, but the AI is. Other threads have asked if the game's AI has been modified:
Kabam Miike wrote: »Hey All,
There are no modifications to the AI's version of Champions, nor does the AI have the ability to pull off anything that the player cannot. From time to time, a bug might arise that could result in some kind of issue, but there are no intentional differences between the abilities of the AI, and what players can do.
If Medium Attacks are knocking you out of a block, that sounds like a bug, and should be reported as such. It could be the result of a couple things, including frame rate issues, or control input issues. This is not an ability that the AI just has that players do not.
@Kabam Miike The AI has been doing this for months, can we get please some insight on this?
That’s seems the most likely answer but forum moderators have debunked that possibility.
Device and Version: iPhone 7
Device Operating System: iOS 11.3.1
Mobile Carrier: Sprint, cellular data not used for this fight
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi, CenturyLink 500 MB/s
Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
Game Mode: Alliance War
Champions Affected: Dr. Voodoo but this bug has occurred to other champions in other game modes
Active Boosts: 20% Champion's Boost, 15% Lesser Health Boost, 10% Lesser Attack Boost, Advanced Power Boost
Description of the Issue: AI finished a combo with a 2nd medium hit or 4th light hit, then parries immediate counters. This has been happening since January, is not unique to specific champions or using single or multiple boosts, and occurs in multiple modes (Alliance War, Arena, Uncollected Event Quest).
Screenshot or Video: See video above in OP
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit Hope the forum's bug template is helpful.
The goal of this thread is to bring attention to a possible AI bug, not post unrelated videos and talk about how to use non-related champions
As evidenced by Dorky Dave's video, players have been able to finish combos then parry counter attacks since at least May 2016 (date of the video).
Dorky Dave makes excellent videos. In this case his parry tutorial proves my point. Watch the 1:44 mark of his video and you’ll see Star Lord (AI) counter attack Gamora (player) after she finishes her combo attack with a 4th light attack. Star Lord (AI) counter attacks while Gamora is unable to parry because the player left him or herself open to attack by finishing a combo while the opponent was blocking.
If you had read this thread’s original post you would see that the thread’s topic was about the AI (Dormammu) finishing a combo with a 2nd medium hit while I was blocking, then managing to parry my immediate counter attack at a time when he should have been open to attack. You may have missed the point of this thread, but Dorky Dave’s parry tutorial video you provided did manage to suppprt the point of this thread.
no need to apologize dude, what youre talking about still affects the game!
It's cool, @Blitzkilla420 nailed it. Sorry if I came off as being rude.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit Would it be better if I submitted a support ticket?
I’ve actually done it to the AI before believe it or not.
@Bahamut If you can provide video evidence that would prove my video is not a bug. Dorky Dave’s parry tutorial proves the opposite.
I never said it wasn’t a bug. I’m just saying that’s it not just the AI. I can’t hive you a video because it just randomly happens.
Thanks for clarifying, my bad for jumping to conclusions. Hopefully we can get some insight on this thread from a forum moderator.
I would disagree. Look at what is not being said: the AI can have a faster reaction time than a human. The AI's move set and characters are not different versions is what they are claiming, but the amount of time it takes for your brain to register what is happening on the screen, decide on a course of action, and move your finger is WAY longer than what it takes the AI to do.
I can slow down archived gameplay videos I have to show that the AI is able to do things that players are not, game mechanics are the meaningful variable as possible explanations cannot be confirmed or disproved. I’ve recorded all my alliance’s AW fights for the past 2-3 months and have 6 Labyrinth of Legends runs recorded. Here’s my theory on this:
This and other ongoing issues with things like chaining special attacks after combos and intercepting all started happening when Act 5.4 and Uncollected Event Quest were released. Might be a coincidence but my guess is that MCOC game developers added new game code or altered existing game code increase MCOC game difficulty for these and other modes (e.g., Alliance War). Game testers ran a few fights or few 5.4 or Uncollected EQ runs but not enough testing was done to see how these coding changes affected MCOC gameplay. The changes in code were intended to increase AI difficulty but created a sort of Butterfly Effect that has unintentionally influenced many aspects of the game.
This is why forum moderators have said the AI and players have the same recovery times and the AI is not able to do things that players can’t do. Game developers have not added code that INTENTIONALLY set out to do these things. Despite this fact, bugs happen (Sentry/Void Featured Crystal Mixup, AQ Map 5 gaining an extra node, MODOK gaining parry on auto-block, Dr. Strange gaining power when hit in AW, etc.).
This could also explain why this and other bugs listed above have not been fixed or in some cases acknowledged, as if I’m right fixing these bugs would require altering/removing/adding new code that has driven harder difficulty game content for months. Alternatively, parry is working great again, so fixing these bugs might be easier than I’m hypothesizing.