How to play trash champs

Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
Ok so I was thinking and I thought:
All these people asking for champ buffs, why don’t we make a thread for them to learn how to play them effectively as is?

So here it is. The place for people to give innovative ways to play trash champs, eg. KK, abomination, etc.

Please no trolls, only genuine guides.

First example:

Daredevil Netflix is definitely worse than its classic counterpart, but if played correctly can actually have a tad higher damage. Parrying at the start of the fight starts it off, and with the stun length mastery maxed out, you can do a 7 hit combo: MM-MLLLM. This will stack 3 armor breaks with an 85% chance. Armor breaks take off roughly 600 armor per stack, and after 3-4 parry-7-combos, the opponents armor should’ve vanished.

At this point you should be close-ish to a special 2; you should wait until you are almost at a special 3 and let loose a special 2 (which should crit wild with all the armor breaks) and use a classic stun chain to launch a few more special 1s (while continually stacking those armor breaks. The damage at this point should be up to snuff, with the crits a bit above average (meaning not sw level)

Not blade, but a decent armor breaker/damage dealer


  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    GSTAR21 wrote: »
    You have a very positive perspective of bad champions but the reason people are asking for champ buffs is because they never use trash champs, they just sit there gathering dust. Your strategy for Netflix DD is good but barely anyone will ever consider bringing a low/medium damage champ with no utility into Act 5 or hard content.

    You're right, and we're not saying these champs aren't in need of a buff, but saying how to optimize their trashy-ness. Maybe for someone who likes the character and wants to use them for EQ, or arena.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★

    You're right, and we're not saying these champs aren't in need of a buff, but saying how to optimize their trashy-ness. Maybe for someone who likes the character and wants to use them for EQ, or arena.[/quote]

  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,148 ★★★★★
    would appreciate a lot some guides for Gambit, Cyclops, magnet, oml, kk, shehulk, ip
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    Is Cable a trash champ? I think he’s decent as well as OML.
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    Is Cable a trash champ? I think he’s decent as well as OML.

    Some people consider him trash, but I disagree I think he's a great Champ. But that's for those who think he isn't.

    Yes, degen, regen, power gain, true strike, etc. What else could you ask for?
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    No specific way to use Abom. He actually has a really beefy attack stat, and a good chance at a decently strong fury. Most ideal way to use him would probably be getting a fury and dropping an L2. May just be better than hulk offensively if both are unawakened.
  • ChickenWaffles4ChickenWaffles4 Member Posts: 26
    With Jane Foster Thor, I would say try to keep shock on your opponents as long as possible. Maybe build up to an S2, almost at an S3, and then when the shock expires light off an S1? When opponents are shocked, you can stun lock them and when they are stunned she gets guaranteed criticals (if awakened). I think the guaranteed crits even work with parries, but this makes her less effective in stun immune fights. You can also heavy spam to apply stagger, which is useful against some champs.
  • ChickenWaffles4ChickenWaffles4 Member Posts: 26
    Aleor wrote: »
    would appreciate a lot some guides for Gambit, Cyclops, magnet, oml, kk, shehulk, ip

    For Gambit, stun lock special one could work. Depends on what cyclops you are using, but I think classic can get unblockable beams when he is over 15 hits if he is awakened. This could potentially be good for nodes like bane, brute force, plagued mind, or others with a timer. If the opponent isn't cooperating, you can fire off your specials even if they are blocking and get hits to refresh the timer. Magneto is best against metal characters including morningstar. He gives her reduced ability accuracy and his attacks don't make physical contact, so he doesn't bleed from morningstar. He also doesn't have any buffs, so morningstar won't replicate and mystic dispersion won't trigger as much. For most champs, the best way to use magneto is to use the special two or three.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Maybe potentially build up armors to the point where you can tank a special 3 a la GP/iceman. Also I’m pretty sure his special damage increases a bit for each armor so a special 2 with crit could deal a decent amount.... just ideas. Feel free to chime in.

    (Colossus is pretty bad though, this might be a challenge ;)
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Was just playing against abomination.... he works fairly well with suicides being poison immune and double edge puts an automatic poison on the opponent. Somewhat like cable
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  • ChickenWaffles4ChickenWaffles4 Member Posts: 26
    heres how to play Groot:
    get hit about 10-15 times.
    get the buffs.
    spam spec2.
    thats it.

    I don't usually play groot that way, although i'm sure you could. For me, the sp2 damage and regen are too weak. I'd much rather wait until his pacifisms popped naturally and not get hit. Once he gets all the buffs, I would use some sp1s or an sp3.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,148 ★★★★★
    mdsub wrote: »
    Best way to play Kamala Khan is hit the sell button & use the resources on someone good.

    unfortunately, you can't sell 5* kk
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Was checking out IP, his armor ups are about 10x more potent than say colossus/hulkbuster. One armor up on a 3* and he has a 3000 armor increase. Also armor break is very potent (removes an armor up and has 2000 armor reduction- remember this is only a 3* r2) and activates with a special 1 which can be helpful for something like act 5.1.2 with the breakthrough node. In comparison, a Hyperion special 2 armor break of the same star and rank reduces armor by 1400 WITHOUT removing any armor buffs.

    Granted, Thor is still the king of armor breaks, but an IP special 1 spam gives less attack than Thor but more armor, for what it’s worth.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,400 ★★★★★
    Iron Patriot.

    Bait some specials while pushing the opponent against the wall then use SP2, armor breaks are nice but if it stuns as well spam heavies until the opponent is almost at SP3 then nail them with a SP1.

  • Hollywood_Hollywood_ Member Posts: 70
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    Ok so I was thinking and I thought:
    All these people asking for champ buffs, why don’t we make a thread for them to learn how to play them effectively as is?

    So here it is. The place for people to give innovative ways to play trash champs, eg. KK, abomination, etc.

    Please no trolls, only genuine guides.

    First example:

    Daredevil Netflix is definitely worse than its classic counterpart, but if played correctly can actually have a tad higher damage. Parrying at the start of the fight starts it off, and with the stun length mastery maxed out, you can do a 7 hit combo: MM-MLLLM. This will stack 3 armor breaks with an 85% chance. Armor breaks take off roughly 600 armor per stack, and after 3-4 parry-7-combos, the opponents armor should’ve vanished.

    At this point you should be close-ish to a special 2; you should wait until you are almost at a special 3 and let loose a special 2 (which should crit wild with all the armor breaks) and use a classic stun chain to launch a few more special 1s (while continually stacking those armor breaks. The damage at this point should be up to snuff, with the crits a bit above average (meaning not sw level)

    Not blade, but a decent armor breaker/damage dealer

    You need to sell your all champions and keep upgrading trash, also you do lol with netflex or KK, I would be excited to see on YouTube, you need to write with sense
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    how to play joe fixit
    1.clubs suite and l2/l1
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,148 ★★★★★
    edited May 2018
    this thread must live forever!

    I also realized, that netflix DD might have some utility against IMIW — if I'm correct, his armor breaks should turn off autoblock. need to test
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Shehulk's one trick is using heavy to activate fury and then launching an sp3 (similar to iw cap). Build to sp3, parry stun opponent, charge heavy, throw special. Rinse and repeat
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    For gambit- one way is to build to about 1.5 bars, then start charging his cards. It gets slower for each charge, so use the nightcrawler trick to buy time. Once you get ten, land a heavy, then spam sp1s, using mllmmlllm combos. You should end up hitting pretty hard due to prowess and crit increase.
    Alternatively, you could just get the prowess and then throw an sp2. If it crits, you can get some impressive damage
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