Speed Variations

I've tried to grin and bear it, but I have to say something because this is a major issue. There needs to be consistency in the speed of the AI vs. our controls. I don't know what causes it, whether it's the server, the devices, the CR, higher AI, quite frankly I'm beyond trying to figure out at this point. Every month, Master is lagging beyond belief and the AI moves faster for me. War is worse, when you can't even Evade or get a hit in because they're 3x speed. The Infinite is insane sometimes. It's becoming fanatical. Add on the proc amount of things like Evade from the AI, and it's too much. Way too much. Trials are the same. Spent hundreds of Units on them, along with Thanos. Not because the difficulty is too much, but because you get jumped before you can even respond. You can't Evade, you can't Block, you just mash the device and die.
I'm all for a challenge and pushing myself, but if whatever mechanics are causing side-effects, whether device-related or not, where you can't use your controls properly and your Fight is 3x faster than you can move, it needs to be examined. At this point it's not just a sporadic problem. It's seriously affecting the experience of the game.
I'm all for a challenge and pushing myself, but if whatever mechanics are causing side-effects, whether device-related or not, where you can't use your controls properly and your Fight is 3x faster than you can move, it needs to be examined. At this point it's not just a sporadic problem. It's seriously affecting the experience of the game.
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Add Dorm to that list.
Some Champs are faster, but not as much as I've been experiencing. There's no time for response.
Not sure about your Threads. I try to stay constructive. I'm not really ranting or venting. I just had to say something because it's been sitting with me for months. The speed is way up and down. I'm just expressing that I think it needs to be looked at. No judgment or anything like that. For me, it's ruining the experience of the game. I had a few guys in my Ally express the same thing in our current War, Heavies were sped up beyond control. It's more or less starting a Fight you can't win. Master, Trials, War, Infinite, all over. I don't hold it against anyone. I just want to say I think it's essential to have it more cconsistent. It's not just a little fast. It's as if you pressed Fast Forward, but our controls are Slow Motion.
Nope, I dont think this is it.
Definitely AI is sped up at higher difficulties. They dash quicker, they heavy quicker and overall it just messes up the parry / block/intercept timings and detection.
I'm sorry to hear you are having performance issues. As you know, we have dedicated threads for iOS and Android in our Bugs and Known Issues section where players can report performance issues using our template that helps us gather the required information to investigate the problem. If you have any specific details or examples to share, please do so there rather than starting a new thread. As noted in the forum rules, repeatedly posting the same topic is not allowed.
As we have any information to share about improvements made to game performance, we will share it. But, for now, it is an ongoing process of investigation, since so many factors such as device, OS and more affect performance of the game. But the more detailed, specific feedback that you can provide in the threads is always helpful. Thank you!