Dungeon Day Dud

Underwhelming and anti-climatic, we finished map 6 twice swiftly. With a reduced 1 unit recharge cost, 3 units makes it quick and cheap to reach 15k and all milestones. Only to pull 3* Drax and 4* Thor.
I’m pretty happy with mine, not a dud for me.
and no I'm not complaining, I'm making a statement. Nor was it free... it cost time and 3 units.
It wasn’t free, but everyone knows the risks of a “20% for the top prize” crystal. At least you get 5* shards I guess (assuming you had Thor before)
I as well pulled the 5* ghostrider from the legendary crystal.
DD was max sig, free iso and extra shards are always welcome lol.
Cam we please have a "how are you even alive?" Flag?
Exactly. I got a 4* thor Jane Forster dupe sp I'm glad for the shards and the iso.
First time playing dungeons in a couple weeks. Still not much of a fan.