R-O-G (Platinum 1, Rank 7) Kabamed by Matchmaking

I am the leader of R-O-G, currently rank 7 in Platinum 1, and my alliance was unable to find a third match in Alliance Wars after searching for 1 hour and 42 minutes before matchmaking was disabled at 7 pm PDT. We searched immediately after our last alliance war ended and had ample time to find a third match, but the matchmaking system is flawed and did not match us. This is extremely unfair for us and will jeopardize our opportunity at reaching Master bracket since we will lose out on over 1 million points from not getting a third war. Once other alliances finish their third war, we’ll drop to the bottom of Platinum 2. Welp we’ve been Kabamed!

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We also had the same issue with matchmaking as a rank 11 Masters Alliance D69 and have gotten nothing but auto responses from Kabam.
Whereas if there is an error on Kabams part that might benefit their player base they immediately put up emergency maintenance to address the issue! If you care so little for our patronage we will extend you the same courtesy. @kabam miike etc.
Kabam. As a take-away, for everyone reading, always start your search as soon as it opens. Don’t wait.
We didn't wait. We started first war at 2pm. Each war it searched for over an hour. It's ridiculous
Even if each war took 2 hours to search, if you started searching when war starts, you should still have made the 3rd war.
Allowing alliances to choose when to start matchmaking.
Make it so all alliance wars start at a set time like AQ, say 11am PT (when matchmaking opens). Prior to that officers/leader can choose to opt-in / opt-out of the war. Kabam can change the time wars start if they want (like 11am, then 12pm, 1pm etc) or lessen the total time of wars to allow a period between AW for alliances to make personnel changes.
This would stop search manipulation, totally unfair matches, and late-night search misses. With much larger search pools to work with, the system can actually match the #1 alliance with the #2 alliance and so on. No alliance will be in the situation of missing searches because no match could be found. I understand that certain timezones might suffer from this change. But chances are they are starting war the same time everyone else is if they want the most season points. And if they’ve been able to adapt for AQ, they can adapt for AW (which AW takes less overall time/nodes to complete than AQ).
As ally you re nearly 3k rating. You have the opportunity to ista search every time war get paused every week. As platinum 1 fighting for masters starting search with barely 2 hrs left is a huge error, for which only you should be accounted responsible.
Everyone likes easier matches but that s the risk you take for them. Even if it was a casualty, again you re fighting for master. You should be in the search tab 5 minutes from matchmaking opening.
Doesn't always work. Several allys missed out this last war
We weren't dodging anyone. We started as soon as war ended. Problem is each war is taking hours to find. Can't do anything about that.
Constructive post. Kudos
So you started war ~1-2 est when it always starts? If you started around that time you have 8-9 hour window of searching before matchmaking ends at 10est. The only way i see you missing if it takes a 3 hr+ search eveyday.
The fact that their system can’t identify when two closely matched teams are searching at the same time shouldn’t disqualify teams from succeeding.
I Don’t understand what would be so difficult to ensure a set amount of wars fought each season...
This isn't true.
We always have an officer set up to start war as soon as it opens on Wednesday. Matchmaking is started within 2 minutes of being available. It will take us an hour, often several hours, to get a match. Then we always start matchmaking immediately upon the end of a war...within 60 seconds. Despite this, our third war of the week wouldn't start until around 7-8pm EST, but we did get matched.
However, we didn't get our 3rd match on May 20th. It was the first miss all season and we moved WAY down in the rankings.
All that is to say that starting matchmaking immediately every time does not guarantee 3 wars per week.
Won’t work. Matchmaking ends at that time to make sure no wars are running during the weekly scheduled maintenance. If they extend it, people will be upset that maintenance occurred at the end of war.
This is the way ensures that there is the largest possible pool of other Alliances to possibly be matched with. I know this isn't exactly the answer you wanted to hear, or the resolution, but unfortunately this is the case.
I've passed along your experience to the team so that they can keep this in mind when looking to improve the System further.