Anyone know future champs to stack units for?

CpAmericanoCpAmericano Member Posts: 167
I’m planning on stacking units and dropping a ton for a future champ..wanted to see if anyone knew what’s coming up over the next months beyond Ant-Man / wasp


  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,178 ★★★
    Deadpool gold
  • Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Member Posts: 429
    Anurag1606 wrote: »
    Deadpool gold

  • AbusementParkAbusementPark Member Posts: 164
    Haha ..... yeah , Big Bird
  • Nqk77Nqk77 Member Posts: 1
    Big bird isn’t a super hero... 🙄🙄🙄
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Ghost, domino
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    Can't really say who to stack up for. On paper carnage is tops but in game sucks. You need to see game play to determine who is worthwile.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,168 ★★★★★
    Darth Vader and Artoo
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I would save for whatever counter for iron Man IW that's probably coming. He's a load of horse puckey..
  • AbusementParkAbusementPark Member Posts: 164
    The rumored upcoming list contains the following champions:
    - Armor
    - Captain Hydra
    - Daredevil *new versions*
    - Dazzler
    - Domino
    - Emma Frost
    - Ghost
    - Golden Deadpool
    - Hulkbuster *new versions*
    - Jessica Jones
    - Legion
    - Massacre
    - Mimic
    - Mr. Sinister
    - Nova
    - Omega Red
    - Red Skull
    - Sunspot
    - Wasp

    *They are not displayed in the upcoming order, the months in which they will be available can only be guessed. It’s all rumored also !
  • CpAmericanoCpAmericano Member Posts: 167
    Thank you sir
    The rumored upcoming list contains the following champions:
    - Armor
    - Captain Hydra
    - Daredevil *new versions*
    - Dazzler
    - Domino
    - Emma Frost
    - Ghost
    - Golden Deadpool
    - Hulkbuster *new versions*
    - Jessica Jones
    - Legion
    - Massacre
    - Mimic
    - Mr. Sinister
    - Nova
    - Omega Red
    - Red Skull
    - Sunspot
    - Wasp

    *They are not displayed in the upcoming order, the months in which they will be available can only be guessed. It’s all rumored also !

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