Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We are aware of an issue with the seeding for the beginning of the BG season.
We are adding rewards to higher progression brackets to offset the additional grind.
More information here.
**Arcade is being extra tricky with his Murder Box...**
It appears Arcade has been non-cooperative in his approach to this month's side quest and presented his clues in a nonsensical order. Lucky you, Summoners, we have our best and brightest on the case and those clues should now be a lot more straightforward. While messing around in Arcade's files we came across a phrase, highlighted and bolded, with sparkles and pointy arrows: "the abode for the dead" ... Maybe that will help you along the way!

New 5☆/Rank Down Tickets?

With the release of new 5☆ champions, will you be releasing more Rank Down Tickets?


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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    Doubtful. I, personally, don't see why they should to be honest. Because they are adding heroes to a crystal?
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    FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Posts: 44
    Since they aren't changing any champions with the 5* additions, so they won't offer rank down tickets.

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    Salvy4Salvy4 Posts: 84
    Since 5☆s wont be as rare, 4☆s will eventually only be needed for arenas. Not about getting something for free.
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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    Okay, but your statement doesn't reflect any need for rank down tickets. Why do you think you need them? Because 5* won't be as rare? That hasn't been confirmed at all at this point. They've only announced they will be adding heros to the 5* crystals, and 5* featured crystals. Everyone hopes they will be more attainable, but we'll see because everytime Kabam Miike talks about them he still mentiones 10k shards and 15k shards.
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    Salvy4Salvy4 Posts: 84
    You are capped out at 5/50 when you can increase your prestige and have a stronger champion as a 5☆. With 5☆ shards available in arenas, they will be attainable a lil faster. Make sense?
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    MayhemEffectMayhemEffect Posts: 112
    No not yet. Everyone has the same ability to rank up new champs, and no champs have been changed to make them less viable than they were before.

    It does seem like something for nothing.
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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    They added the 5* shards to arenas in 12.0 and gave you rank down tickets for it (indirectly). So still have to politely disagree with you on deserving rank down tickets.
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    Salvy4Salvy4 Posts: 84
    Alright, thanks for the input. Wish they were attainable somehow still.
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    Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Posts: 289 ★★
    Pretty sure kabam already said there not doing it all there doing is adding champs to the crystal not changing any of them no need for rank down tickets
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    i didnt know, my last 2 rank down tickets expired early morning, on last day.

    i am stuck with 5/50 x99 VP, who's good on paper, but sucks in every aspect of game.

    would prefer to invest those rare HARD TO AQUIRE t4cc's in to better champ.
    regaurdless, if its a champ i had, or recently won in Arena,

    I HOPE we can obtain more RDT's .....
    Kabam needs to do the right thing & offer them for UNITS,
    NOT for real $$$$$ .......

    I will sell VP for the 5* shards, before I spend cash on a feature that
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    LocoMotivesLocoMotives Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Because we loved rank down tickets so much, they helped us correct mistakes we made with our roster due to prestige pressure and limited availability.

    I don't think many would r4 an IP, ant-man, or cyclops after the recent announcement. While this doesn't "entitle" us to rank down tickets (or anything else IMO), it sure would be nice to get a few of those :)
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    5*s will be as rare as they are now. They haven't announced anything about increasing the amount of 5* shards you can earn from events. I like most 4*s at 5/50 over 3/45 5* since 5* will be harder to dupe now and a lot of champs need to be duped to be great
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    Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Posts: 246
    edited May 2017
    i didnt know, my last 2 rank down tickets expired early morning, on last day.

    i am stuck with 5/50 x99 VP, who's good on paper, but sucks in every aspect of game..

    I used my 4* 4/40 sig 20 VP to get thru RTL 4.5 (SIM, Venom, DD, Storm, NC fights) without using any revives or potions. Great bleeds (5/5 DW) and nullifying a buff converting to regen is great. Also, I use him in map 5 and find him very useful.
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    Fhap1234Fhap1234 Posts: 62
    I can't see rank down tickets being handed out unless they do something dramatic to change the whole game again. I would be very happy if they gave us another opportunity to have the tickets again but I doubt it will happen.
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    Ja55Ja55 Posts: 155

    "5-Stars are also not becoming less rare, nor are they making 4-Star Champions obsolete. 4-Star Champions are still what most of the content's difficulty is based off of, and we don't see them becoming obsolete any time soon."

    Wow. Can you honestly tell me that is what you believe? I disagree/feel the exact opposite of you on everything you listed in that paragraph.

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    ZerophunkZerophunk Posts: 207
    edited June 2017
    Offering rank down tickets in glory store would be great @Kabam Miike
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I have decent 5* but I still prefer the utility of most 4* at 5/50 over my 5* just for aq, aw, and questing. I agree with what @Kabam Miike said. Only LOL really requires a rank 4 5* to clear it efficiently
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    SICK of this
    'content too hard, well get better'

    Kabam doesnt wanna stand by their product, that's fine....
    But players, being critical of other players,
    Is just sickening.

    I ask myself every day, WHY i still play such a corrupt game.....

    & its not like I'm getting any answers here.
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    Hey All,

    Rank Down tickets are not made to reverse decisions made in the past because you don't like a Champion that you may have ranked up, but are for when a Champion is no longer the same as they used to be


    "WE'RE KABAM ........& WE DONT CARE"
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    WolfGuyWolfGuy Posts: 92
    Hey All,

    Quite simply, no, there will not be any more Rank Down tickets for the addition of 5-Star Champions to the Crystals. We periodically added new 5-Star Champions to the crystal anyways, and this in no way devalued the value or the effectiveness of other 5-Star Champions.

    Rank Down tickets are not made to reverse decisions made in the past because you don't like a Champion that you may have ranked up, but are for when a Champion is no longer the same as they used to be.

    5-Stars are also not becoming less rare, nor are they making 4-Star Champions obsolete. 4-Star Champions are still what most of the content's difficulty is based off of, and we don't see them becoming obsolete any time soon.

    But with more champions being added to the 5-Star crystals, the chances of duping become lower, correct? So each individual champ does, in fact, become more rare.
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    Firesteel_BaronFiresteel_Baron Posts: 10
    WolfGuy wrote: »
    Hey All,

    Quite simply, no, there will not be any more Rank Down tickets for the addition of 5-Star Champions to the Crystals. We periodically added new 5-Star Champions to the crystal anyways, and this in no way devalued the value or the effectiveness of other 5-Star Champions.

    Rank Down tickets are not made to reverse decisions made in the past because you don't like a Champion that you may have ranked up, but are for when a Champion is no longer the same as they used to be.

    5-Stars are also not becoming less rare, nor are they making 4-Star Champions obsolete. 4-Star Champions are still what most of the content's difficulty is based off of, and we don't see them becoming obsolete any time soon.

    But with more champions being added to the 5-Star crystals, the chances of duping become lower, correct? So each individual champ does, in fact, become more rare.

    You're using logic, sadly not part of the kabam decision model.
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    Vdh2008Vdh2008 Posts: 966 ★★★★
    edited June 2017

    5-Stars are also not becoming less rare, nor are they making 4-Star Champions obsolete. 4-Star Champions are still what most of the content's difficulty is based off of, and we don't see them becoming obsolete any time soon.

    1. By adding morw 5 stars to the basic crystal, you have indeed increased the rarity of certain champs. You have DECREASED the chance to pull ones you already have, therefore INCREASED RARITY.

    2. 4 star champs ARE obsolete for any player who is playing at the RTTL and Act 5 level. You have upped the difficulty to the point where R4 5 stars are necessary. You can tell the community all day that 4 stars are still viable, but that's because you need them to purchase items to complete the content. We can see right through this obvious ploy.
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    edited June 2017
    ^^^^ well said... we players see it as what it is.... just another cash grab,
    over a bugged gamed, from a morally bankrupt company who has no real intent on fixing the bugs.

    2 things would make me change my perspective .....
    & RDTs

    Since we know u wont (or cant?)
    Fix the bugs,....

    I will settle for the courtesy,
    of changing something, to my likes,
    In this ever changing game,
    that RDT'S offer.

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    RANK DOWN TICKETS... considering that Kabam is going to make 4 stars trash compared to the 5 stars we need to modify our strategy having the chance to have rank down tickets again and permanently ( even purchasing them with units)
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    MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Posts: 340 ★★
    Rank Down tickets are not made to reverse decisions made in the past because you don't like a Champion that you may have ranked up, but are for when a Champion is no longer the same as they used to be.

    Were changes not made to cyclops (NXS)? I have to disagree with you @Kabam Miike. Ranks downs were introduced because changes were made AND the community no longer liked champs they ranked up. So by your logic, changes were made to cyclops and some of the player base may like the chance to rank him up over previous choices made. And for those early in their career trying to establish a 4* roster, SIGNIFICANT changes were made to civil warrior.
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    Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Posts: 289 ★★
    edited June 2017
    ^^^^ well said... we players see it as what it is.... just another cash grab,
    over a bugged gamed, from a morally bankrupt company who has no real intent on fixing the bugs.

    2 things would make me change my perspective .....
    & RDTs

    Since we know u wont (or cant?)
    Fix the bugs,....

    I will settle for the courtesy,
    of changing something, to my likes,
    In this ever changing game,
    that RDT'S offer.

    So wait ur crying cash grab but want them to add a item to the game that you would buy

    A item that will absolutely make this more of a pay to win
    Ie top spenders will just re adjust resources to specific champs for quest
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Not sure why your logic is to compare duping a 5* to the general categories of 5* champs. Yes it will be harder to dupe them, but I'm sure more 5* shards will become available making 5* more common in the game such as the addition of 5* shards in arena rank rewards. Also, I think a 5* awakening gem will be in act 5 rewards at some point. 5* awakening gems are rare but there are some available so you can awaken a couple champs.
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