The most reliable Mordo killer nerfed
Every time I try to write something they discussions have been closed wondering if there’s going to be at any rank down tickets Since the only reason that anyone would rank drags up to 4/55 is because he flawlessly cut through astral evade every time no matter what device you are on and now he does not does making him just an OK champion
They're better all round anyway
I literally just dueled an awakened 5* Mordo with x-23 and her heavy bypasses astral evade just like I always has
Dr. Zola
Google pixel 2xl
Dude, seriously?
Just use Captain America. One decent block to apply a Fatigue, and you can slaughter Mordo.
False. Archangel’s heavy still works.
Honestly if you've been fighting Mordo with a Drax this long, then perhaps you should just learn how to fight him a bit better. This isn't me being a troll, it's suggesting that Mordo has been in the game a long time and is really not that difficult. Just bait heavies rather than parry.
So not a nerf in any way
Captain America and Ant-Man are two of the best/most reliable Mordo counters (since fatigue turns off astral evade). I didn't see anything about Cap or AntMan.
Why only fix Drax and not others who were said to be bugged?
You're welcome, parry and heavy til your eyeballs fall out