Spider-Man (Classic) Rank 5 worth it

Spiderdude729Spiderdude729 Member Posts: 45
I just pulled a 4 Star Spider-Man (Classic) I have the resources to bring him up to Rank 5 is it worth it or naw


  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    He's still a really good defender. But not worth it for attack, no.
  • Make1DavidMake1David Member Posts: 56
    It depends on where your roster is. He is a good first r5 imo (bc he was my first), decent dmg and overall fun champ to play. When he is awakened then you may consider ranking him for defense. If you are thinking about ranking him then you need to consider what tier and bracket your alliance is currently in (assuming you are in one). If you are in anything above Silver then he would only purpose as a diversity champ, mainly bc everyone has figured him out and he just doesn't get the job done anymore (well not reliably, he may catch a few ppl off guard). I would say rank him if you are looking for a defender and if you are not uncollected yet. Really depends on where you are at in your progression.
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