Merc Missions and Merc Assignments

RebabeelRebabeel Member Posts: 6
They sre not working! We are supposed to get 3 assignments a day ...with a chance to open a merc mission....this is not happening. Its screwed (what a suprise)
Ive seen 4 pop up but only been able to go into 1.
Kabam you are slowly becoming a joke! You dont listen to your customers OR understand how to get your game working.

Spend time sorting the game , rather than new content!


  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★
    2 assignments per day.....

    one every 11 hours.........

    not 3 per day......
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    It’s cause you need to wait it refreshes every 7 hours which sucks time wasting is not acceptable
  • RebabeelRebabeel Member Posts: 6
    We had 1 Assignment once i updated the game. And then 1 merc mission.
    Since then the message saying merc mission has popped up 3 times. But no mission.
    Then the 2nd time the assignment popped up it said i had done it 100%. So no rewards.
    Since then nothing....24h ago. Same for my alliance
  • RebabeelRebabeel Member Posts: 6
    Maat. It says in game that these are to happen 2 or 3 times daily.
    These are to be 100% for a chance to start a merc mission. 6h to get it done

    Its been 4 days. Our alliance has seen 2 Assignments and 1 merc mission.
    4 merc missions messages (but no mission!).....

    Im sute this is screwed up.
  • EdoVice90EdoVice90 Member Posts: 6
    I have the same problem. Once the assignment pop up, it’s already compleated 100% since the first day.
  • Smokely7Smokely7 Member Posts: 175 ★★
    We had a couple Merc Mission but none the past 2
  • YlyusYlyus Member Posts: 21
    Same here! I’ve 100% every one that pops up and I’ve yet to see a Merc assignment except for the 2 times others in my alliance have gotten on. 2 times since this thing started. And I can’t get one myself to save my life. What exactly is the criteria apart from doing 100%? Because I don’t know what else to try
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