Assassin assignments completion percentage bug [Merged threads]



  • NiftycraNiftycra Member Posts: 42
    Just tried to log out and log in. No change. The assignment is still missing. Unless maybe I’m misunderstanding how these work. Are they supposed to appear and disappear randomly? I was under the impression that they would refresh once every 11 hours and would be available all 11 hours to complete. However, perhaps Kabam intended to refresh them every 11 hours but only have them appear randomly throughout those 11 hours and disappear randomly? Can you please confirm @Kabam Zibiit ?
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Niftycra wrote: »
    Just tried to log out and log in. No change. The assignment is still missing. Unless maybe I’m misunderstanding how these work. Are they supposed to appear and disappear randomly? I was under the impression that they would refresh once every 11 hours and would be available all 11 hours to complete. However, perhaps Kabam intended to refresh them every 11 hours but only have them appear randomly throughout those 11 hours and disappear randomly? Can you please confirm @Kabam Zibiit ?

    They start every 11 hours but only last for 4 hours.
  • MyonikaMyonika Member Posts: 10
    Niftycra wrote: »
    Just tried to log out and log in. No change. The assignment is still missing. Unless maybe I’m misunderstanding how these work. Are they supposed to appear and disappear randomly? I was under the impression that they would refresh once every 11 hours and would be available all 11 hours to complete. However, perhaps Kabam intended to refresh them every 11 hours but only have them appear randomly throughout those 11 hours and disappear randomly? Can you please confirm @Kabam Zibiit ?

    They only appear for 4hrs with a 7hr rest from the time one starts its 11hrs until the next one starts. They also post when one is about to start on their Twitter page.
  • MyonikaMyonika Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2018
    I came to see what they were doing about compensation but looks like people are still having issues. I dont think they can give everyone the rewards they missed individually, unless they have a program that tells them, so it's going to be a while longer while they discuss what would be fair for everyone. I only missed two but it looks like others have missed a lot more.
    (For those of you who say it's not an option, check their Twitter page to see when one starts because they only last 4hrs and you might have been logging in during the 7hr downtime between missions.)
  • PureRage13PureRage13 Member Posts: 164
    Kalamata wrote: »
    After redownloading the game the assignment have opened again,but merc missions didn’t appear!! it a one time thing or a weekly thing?!!

    I’m having this same issue. I cannot see any Merc Missions. I get the pop up notice in game but see nothing when I go to the Fight menu.

    This is beyond frustrating!

  • Charlief_2512Charlief_2512 Member Posts: 11
    Whats happened to the compensation we are due for the messed up start to the assignments and the merc missions @kabam mike
  • SandsUnitedSandsUnited Member Posts: 9
    Any traction on compensation?
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    Hi mods, any update as to the compensation conversation happening regarding this? Thanks!
  • SbkSbk Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2018
    @Kabam DK @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Loto

    Its unbelievable that you are ignoring the players on this
  • Johnnyblaze23Johnnyblaze23 Member Posts: 46
  • SbkSbk Member Posts: 53
    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Spice @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Ahab

    Where are we at on this?
    Is this just done and forgotten about?

    It has been 6 weeks!
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Here's how I imagine the meeting going if I ran it. Feel free to time it as you read it.

    Me: So at the beginning of last month, all players missed 2 Assassin Assignments due to a coding error. How should we make this right?

    Minion #1: How about we assume that each player was going to run all 4 difficulties and just send out the rewards they would have received if they functioned properly?

    Minion #2: Many players ran through the Assignments and got nothing due to the error. Can we send them 2 energy refills to make up for it?

    Me: Sounds good. Make it happen. Try to push it out in the next 48 hours. Nice work people.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Hey everyone, apologies for the delay here. We haven't forgotten about this and are still having those conversations. Once we have more info to share we will let y'all know here.

    Can we order you some pizza or something, these conversations seem to be going on for more than 2 weeks now...
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Maybe the mods got overheated, and can't respond? ;)
  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    wow these must be really hard meetings
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    mike867 wrote: »
    So this post has gone unanswered and Kabam hasn't done anything to rectify the issue since June 7th! More than 6 weeks and still nothing, you guys really expect them to help us with this? I 100% doubt it.

    Whether we expect them or not, they said they would so why not hold them to it?
  • ZADO1991ZADO1991 Member Posts: 109
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    mike867 wrote: »
    @Gwendoline I still want 2 fully formed Xforce crystals so I can add 2 more 2* to my roster lol...thats what we will get most likely

    It doesn't really matter what we get or don't get. The lack of communication from Kabam is the issue here. If you don't get that, please go away. There is a real issue here, but people undermining that isn't helping.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    mike867 wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    mike867 wrote: »
    @Gwendoline I still want 2 fully formed Xforce crystals so I can add 2 more 2* to my roster lol...thats what we will get most likely

    It doesn't really matter what we get or don't get. The lack of communication from Kabam is the issue here. If you don't get that, please go away. There is a real issue here, but people undermining that isn't helping.

    Im not undermining. Communication and negligence is the biggest issue here and I definitely want those Xforce crystals plus the 4/5* shards and the catalysts

    Then maybe don't add "lol" to comments. It makes them feel like a joke.
  • AnkushNandaAnkushNanda Member Posts: 33
    i want atleast 500 4* shards back that i missed because of this
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Can we please get an update on this?
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Pretty please?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    Players who 100% completed any difficulty on the first 3 Assassin Assignments June 6-8 were the only ones affected by this issue. We are looking to give compensation specifically to those players sometime in the next 2 weeks. Please look to your in-game mail for when this is sent. Apologies for the extended delay on the resolution to this issue.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Players who 100% completed any difficulty on the first 3 Assassin Assignments June 6-8 were the only ones affected by this issue. We are looking to give compensation specifically to those players sometime in the next 2 weeks. Please look to your in-game mail for when this is sent. Apologies for the extended delay on the resolution to this issue.

    Thank you for the response.
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