Looking for alliance that can provide t4cc
Member Posts: 140 ★
Needing an alliance who can easily supply rewards with t4cc
Your prestige has to be over 6500 to qualify you for an alliance that earns a full t4cc per week, so this is the most important detail to know about your account.
Yet, we can't get the T4CC's necessary to get our champs Maps 5 and 6 worthy quickly enough because we don't have a reliable solo method to obtain enough shards in a reasonable amount of time.
So we're just stuck! Limping along with our 10 T4CC shard crystals we can get at the end of monthly Heroic. Maybe another 10 from the 1st 3rd of the Monthly Master Quest. Maybe more if you're a good enough player to survive the 2nd and 3rd parts of Master using only 3rd Tier 4 star champs or 2nd Tier 5 star champs without needing a ton of level 5 potions. I know I don't have those kind of skills myself, working on it, but I just am not there yet and I don't think I will be anytime soon.
Of which those level 5 potions are only obtainable with units, never on any of the maps themselves! I already have a thread on that issue , don't get me started again on that little gem of a discussion. lol
So yah, I'm totally in your same boat my friend, and it flippin' sucks!!! I'm as frustrated about this matter as I imagine you are. But, we don't program the game so all we can do is play what the give us to play right? Is what it is.
So yeah....it's going to be awhile before we're even capable of running Map 3. We tried it out about a week ago and the whole team just fell apart on the 1st mini boss there, all three champs K.O.'d, myself included in that.
I just need to get more skilled and it's starting to get frustrating because I've been playing for a year now and my skills don't seem to be improving. I'm trying my best and watching the "How To" You Tube videos on Parry and Intercept but I still get my A$$ handed to me on the more beefy awakened 4 and 5 star computer run opponents.
I know I'll eventually get there and I'm guessing I might not be using the right champions or they aren't powerful enough or whatever and that's where it's frustrating with the limited availability with the T4CC's. Because I feel that the lack of being able to obtain a reliable source of those on my own are what's holding me back from being better at the game.
And then I'd need a better definition of what you call "relaxed". You did read that I left my more powerful alliance due to requirements they expected of me that I couldn't meet. If you have those same expectations (min. points doing this or that event and more than I can give donations in order to run the higher AQ maps), then I'd not be a very good fit.
That being said, if you have no expectations I can't meet and you're willing to allow me to be "carried" through Map 4 AQ, just until my Champs get better and I can be effective, I guess I'd be willing to give your alliance a shot... I just want to be fully honest with you and place all my cards on the table now so that you can make an informed decision vs. you being disappointed with me later.