R2 a duped 6* Angela or R5 sig 73 duped Void?

I have both 6* Angela duped and 5* Void duped sig 73. Should I R2 Angela or R5 Void? I am seriously torn on this one. Who would be better at LOL? That is my last individual conquest I have yet to conquer. Please help! Thoughts?!
Troll harder.
I'm surprised this is even close.
Angela definitely has the shorter ramp-up time and can end easy fights quickly, but once Fear of the Void kicks in, Void's damage flies way past what she can do. His attack nearly doubles all while a constant and strong DOT is in effect. I've taken out a health/attack noded Dormammu boss on map 6 with Void in under the 3 minute time limit.
He's got the edge on evasion champs, regen champs, and passive power gain champs. This makes him great in AW against regen-based nodes like buffet or arc overload, he can bypass Mordo's astral evade (fatigue), he can reverse power gain from Mordo, Hyperion, Vision, and other champs, he can stop Mephisto's regen and ignore his incinerate damage, and he can damage champs while you're waiting for an opening like Medusa or IMIW. Void has solo'd a few 4/55 Medusa AW bosses.
Talking about LOL easy path, Angela has the edge on a few fights. Vision and War Machine come to mind. I'd even say overall she's better-suited to take down Maestro. But Void is much better suited to deal with UC, Magik, and Ant Man on that path, which are arguably some of the trickiest fights of the bunch. Outside of the easy path, Void is EXCELLENT against Agent Venom, OG Vision, Electro, Spider-man, X-23, and Ultron when compared to Angela. And I'm not seeing any match-ups where she brings something unique to the table the way Void does.
Looking strictly at the LOL easy path, Angela and Void likely have similar utility and can probably get the job done with the same number of units. But once that path is done and you're looking at other content, Void is the much more versatile champ.
I'd go with Void though, insane utility. Absolute beast in AW attack.
Angela may hit hard, but that's about all she can do. And she doesn't even hit the hardest out of all the Cosmics (Medusa, Hyperion and Hela hit way harder than her).
The only edge Angela has is that she's a 6 star and has a bright future ahead (we will still be able to rank her up even more!). But tbh, I think when that time comes we will also be able to acquire the rank-up materials a bit easier, so there's no need to be regretting wasting it on a 5 star right now.
I think the question you need to ask yourself is: Would you max out Angela eventually if you could? Even if you get better 6 stars (cosmics) that hit harder? I wouldn't, unless they offer some insane utility. You know what's in the game, it's just a matter of time until they become available as a 6 star.
Personally, I'd go with Void. Damage isn't everything, utility will get you way further in the game. And if you're going for a damage champ, then rank up a GOOD damage champ like spark.
u shouldnt. her sig is the most useless in game. but id be jealous for a 6* angela
That said, Void is the better champ for AW both offense and defense so there's that. I imagine an awakened Angela at R2 (mine ain't awakened) would be a HUGE boost to prestige also, mine gives 7898 as is and I imagine yours would be close to if not over 9k (which is insane).
Ask yourself one question, do you need raw damage that is really fun to unleash, of a champ with amazing utility and would be useful no matter where you put him?
As others have said...ranking a champ for the sole purpose of running the easy path in LOL is a big mistake. With the current selection of champs and resource availability, the easy path is MUCH easier than it once was. I did mine with a 4* 5/50 Star Lord, which required FAR fewer resources to rank than an R2 6* champ. You'll finish with the easy path and then over time likely wish you could get those resources back.
I'm still super surprised this is even close. Angela is better in short fights (which should be easy for any champ), but Void is better in medium and long fights and has MUCH more utility in the game. Ultimately you should rank who you like, but I think if you're asking others who to rank, you're not doing that anyway.