Should kabam hand out master rewards to all alliances since massive reports of cheating have surface

marvillanusmarvillanus Member Posts: 12

Should kabam hand out master rewards to all alliances since massive reports of cheating have surface 260 votes

42% 111 votes
57% 149 votes


  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Not a chance. That would be such a massive mistake, think about someone in the participation tier with about 4 3*, getting multiple 5* and (I think) a whole 6*. Bit of a silly idea tbh
  • marvillanusmarvillanus Member Posts: 12
    If you vote no can you provide what you think is a good solution to address this issue
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    Absolutely not. However, they should severely punish those allys that have cheated and since the cheating has affected multiple allys, perhaps expand the different tiers by 10 spots or so.
  • marvillanusmarvillanus Member Posts: 12
    NevvB wrote: »
    No, the ones that voted NO think it’s a terrible idea. Stop feeling entitled to rewards you don’t have a chance of earning.

    if your gonna have a chance at winning shouldnt it be on equal playimg terms?
  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    NevvB wrote: »
    No, the ones that voted NO think it’s a terrible idea. Stop feeling entitled to rewards you don’t have a chance of earning.

    if your gonna have a chance at winning shouldnt it be on equal playimg terms?

    So if you’re in gold 1 and below, you think they have a chance to beat master allis? Nah, doubt it.

    Most allis P3+ boost every war and I will guarantee you every alli P1+ will boost/max boost every war. Do people who play in gold 1 and below deserve the same rewards as the allis that spend units on boosts every war? Do people in gold 1 and below deserve the same rewards as those that fight harder nodes?

    The answer is NO.
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  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    It's not that we who voted No are part of a cheating alliance, it might be that it's a terrible idea. You haven't earnt such rewards. Of all the anti cheating posts this might be the worst. My alli is barely holding onto Plat2 atm but there is no way we earnt top rewards and to receive at seasons end wouln't feel right. Maybe giving everyone a lower tiered reward would be fine, but master is a joke due to the quality of them.
  • heruheru511heruheru511 Member Posts: 164 ★★
    edited June 2018
    Then what's the point of fighting and spent so much items this whole freakin season if we're getting the same rewards??

    My alliance fought hard to stay at Plat 3 this season spending so much items, and if we knew from the start that we're getting Master rewards at the end of the season, we won't spent a shitload of glory or units for potions and revives.

    This idea is dumb.
  • marvillanusmarvillanus Member Posts: 12
    Then what's the point of fighting and spent so much items this whole freakin season if we're getting the same rewards??

    My alliance fought hard to stay at Plat 3 this season spending so much items, and if we knew from the start that we're getting Master rewards at the end of the season, we won't spent a shitload of glory or units for potions and revives.

    This idea is dumb.

    well you fought hard and spent mad items like many of us so its not frustrating to find out you could of had a pilot for your whole alliance or paid the opponent to place 2 star defenders so you can be in master with the best rewards by cheating. When we played fairly?
  • Ezekiel2014Ezekiel2014 Member Posts: 9
    I don't think handing out random awards to everybody, bc stone doesn't deserve what our 12 mil ally should receive. But they should bump everybody to the next level up, gold3 to gold2. If you understand how long a season is and how many units used for revives and potions just to win 1 war. It is deserved that allies be compensated.
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 81
    This poll is ridiculous. Stop asking for hand me outs. Punish the cheaters and sort the rest of us accordingly based in merit.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    It’s so funny how out of touch Kabam is on how much cheating and funny business is going on in top alliances. I left mine because of this kinda stuff
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    This poll is ridiculous. Stop asking for hand me outs. Punish the cheaters and sort the rest of us accordingly based in merit.

    The integrity of the entire competition is currently in question and refunds are being processed in high volume. It’s hard not to feel like victims of corruption. It’s not unreasonable to ask for some kind of increased season reward considering the severity of the accusations. The main problem I have is that busted alliances should have gotten a season ban but instead get a minor points bump and then stomp all over the lower tiers on the way back up. Where’s the justice when the cheats are still finding their way back to p2 and p1.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,512 ★★★★★
    Im wuld say no becasse it wuld Not be a fair for any pair. And a gold shuld Not get mastter self wuld like it but im wuld simpelt Not hav giving for free and then a siliver act with a 6 Stars peppel shuld say ther chet to it Not fair
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  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Would be nice if Kabam didn’t rely so heavily on the income from those in master-p2 because they clearly make “exceptions” for them while the rest of us are left to feel like small fish who’s business doesn’t matter.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    No. Just no.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    NevvB wrote: »
    No, the ones that voted NO think it’s a terrible idea. Stop feeling entitled to rewards you don’t have a chance of earning.

    if your gonna have a chance at winning shouldnt it be on equal playimg terms?

    And when you have zero shot at winning, why would you deserve the top rewards because people at the top cheated?

    All of these type of threads are usually started and supported by people that can't deal with natural progression in this game and want to run with the big boys from day one.

    Typical millennial instant gratification BS.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Unbalanced af. How about an moderate increase for the amount of existing rewards people are gonna get?
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