Somethings Changed with overall mechanics and it's NOT LAG

MODOK Boss in AW - now able to Parry during Autoblock.
Blade Danger Sense is not shuting down things nearly as much as it used, ignoring synergies. All modes.
Drax magically slides backwards when an autoevader evades him, including but not limited to Spiderman Classic, NC, and yes even Mordo. All modes.
DareDevil Classic - Not evading Domino's projectiles. Always getting Critical Failure.
AI Recovery timing is off the charts again, worse then it was pre 18.1 and was bad then.
Magically Dropping blocks when blocking a combo or sp1/sp2 in the middle of getting attacked.
Inability to chain combos into specials.
And many other issues.
Yes these have been reported repeatedly, yes we have provided screen shots/videos/our device configurations, ect ect. Just look at the lag threads alone.
You keep saying that nothings has changed, but something has. These problems are worse then ever. There is something that has changed that impacts OVERALL device performance, not just a single champ, and something else that has changed that has negatively impacted the pRNG when it applies to players attack.
Blade Danger Sense is not shuting down things nearly as much as it used, ignoring synergies. All modes.
Drax magically slides backwards when an autoevader evades him, including but not limited to Spiderman Classic, NC, and yes even Mordo. All modes.
DareDevil Classic - Not evading Domino's projectiles. Always getting Critical Failure.
AI Recovery timing is off the charts again, worse then it was pre 18.1 and was bad then.
Magically Dropping blocks when blocking a combo or sp1/sp2 in the middle of getting attacked.
Inability to chain combos into specials.
And many other issues.
Yes these have been reported repeatedly, yes we have provided screen shots/videos/our device configurations, ect ect. Just look at the lag threads alone.
You keep saying that nothings has changed, but something has. These problems are worse then ever. There is something that has changed that impacts OVERALL device performance, not just a single champ, and something else that has changed that has negatively impacted the pRNG when it applies to players attack.
The problem is not champ specific, but overall... whatever changes went in are negatively impacting overall game play.
Kabam is probably right that nothing has changed with these specific champs we keep calling out, but something is off overall.