Translation of MCOC to Hebrew

Dear Kabam,
We are a large community of advocated MCOC players from Israel . We would like to offer our help in translating the game content into Hebrew and with that making our community larger by helping those who find English less accessible.
We noticed other rtl languages in the game languages menu so in wont be an issue.
If we will send you all the TEXTS in hebrew, (even in a template you will provide) is there a way that in one of the next updates we will see Hebrew in the game?
We really admire your amazing work. keep it up.
We are a large community of advocated MCOC players from Israel . We would like to offer our help in translating the game content into Hebrew and with that making our community larger by helping those who find English less accessible.
We noticed other rtl languages in the game languages menu so in wont be an issue.
If we will send you all the TEXTS in hebrew, (even in a template you will provide) is there a way that in one of the next updates we will see Hebrew in the game?
We really admire your amazing work. keep it up.
Way to go!
It's a genius idea
I'm willing to help what I can
I really want the possibility of Hebrew
please listen to us and move if forward
we want the game translate to hebrew
my english is not so good and would like tosee thegame in hebrew
plz do it
we are big community in this game, and we deserve a hebrew support on the chats like anyone else!
For sure it will make the game more poplar in Israel.
I will be thrilled to have the option to enjoy the game in my native language, and I know my co-player friends who are having a hard time understanding the game content in English will appreciate it.
Other big companies such as EA and SEGA have made updates in Hebrew to their games, I don't see a reason why Kabam shouldn't do the same.
I hope this option could come to action.
If its take a lot of efforts to translate the content into Hebrew I suggest to support Hebrew at the chat window.
This will be a much greater help to the community than simply language translation.
Pls consider the buyout. Pls help to take over Kabam and make significant changes for the sake of the whole community, and pls help to make MCoC great again!
They dont need to
Like OP said, there are a sufficient amount of Israeli players, not much of them understand english. This can be a turnoff cuz they will not really understand the game, its story and mechanics. Adding hebrew language to the game attracts more players, and coincidentally, more spenders, which nets kabam more revenue.
Its a smart play, and there are hebrew speaking players out there willing to help translate
I will point out only one thing.
There isn't just the "static" content. Each month they release new content and that also needs to be translated. And the most important thing, there are those "inbox messages" that are send from time to time. Those too need to be translated sometimes in a matter of hours. So... involving the players will not be a solution - from my point of view. They need a translator what works for them and is available for emergencies.
There are 17 languages running atm. They can do one more. Its an easy job that can be done with a freelancer working from home and getting payed by the word.
@Jh_Dez, lol, you totally missed my point (joke).
It has got nothing to do with translation
Changes I meant, includings, removing RNGs, rebuilding company-player relationship, changing AW/AQ/quests to meet player's wish, etc ... lol
Language translation is something a handful of college student can sufficiently handled without trouble