Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread



  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    It really sucks that they waited until after everyone got the season 2 rewards and ranked another r5 before telling of these changes.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    ASV27 wrote: »
    It really sucks that they waited until after everyone got the season 2 rewards and ranked another r5 before telling of these changes.

    It wasn’t an accident. They wanted us to use as many of those resources as possible before this announcement. Just 100% shady, no two ways about it.
  • EBG78EBG78 Member Posts: 135 ★★
    JRock808 wrote: »
    It wasn’t an accident. They wanted us to use as many of those resources as possible before this announcement. Just 100% shady, no two ways about it.

    How much do you want to bet that there will be a “deal” soon for rank up materials? Like $500 for half of a t5b.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Tickets aren't a solution. Besides the fact that they're not for changes to content, all they do is allow Allies to cement the concerns people have by Ranking spades of the Champs that they are worried about. I get that people aren't happy, and I don't really share the same reaction, but I can't just sit and watch people put a nail in their own coffin without saying something.
    Like it or not, removing Diversity was at the request of the Players. Months of feedback. Now people want Tickets, and that will only cause more problems.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    They care once upon a time.. It's call 12.0. they even wrote a long post to say how they are wrong and miscommunicated to the community. Then they send us update frequently and try to make up to us with a second RD package along with beta testing and God tier champions adjustment. Kabam... How forgetful are you guys.
  • blindside493blindside493 Member Posts: 51
    @Kabam Miike good luck reading through all these :). Hopefully your team has seen the vids, the other community posts, and will acknowledge what a greedy, poorly thought out idea this is. And if the true idea is to eliminate the 100% of maps, why not remove items for war use? Would certainly be a simple code change in the programming.
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    @Kabam Miike If you want people to not finish the map. Adjust the new map with more links like the old one. People did end up giving up in the end. And some times it was based on how much further the alliance got over the other one.

    I know you're not programming the map and literally you are the voice of Kabam's wishes.

    Back when the old map was in play, people didn't care about who they faced because they knew they'd face 8-10 of the same champion if they were so fortunate or unfortunate.

    That was before M.O.D.O.K. Dormammu, Domino, IMIW etc.....

    This is a bloodbath.

    Do your experiment, I can guarantee that like in years past we will overcome this plan as well. Because at the end of the day, we are the end user. Keep changing your systems and protocols when we beat you at your own game. We are better than you think. You have trained us for these events. Monthly quests that are near impossible are beat by many players.

    Special events that we knock out of the park. YOU CAN'T EVEN give us a real challenge! YEAH I SAID IT!
  • HongKongPh00eyHongKongPh00ey Member Posts: 39
    hurricant wrote: »
    NevvB wrote: »
    So you made the nodes harder, any changes in rewards?

    The rewards have not changed (aside from Season rewards being halved to match the change in length). This is because Alliances were still finding these Maps far too easy. The goal of these changes is to put an end to the near 100% of wars ending in 100% Exploration.

    what's wrong with 100% exploration? people will continue to pay for 100% you know that right?

    100% exploration should be a rare instance, and if achieved, should be helping to decide the winner of a War. It should not be a common occurrence for both Alliances to be able to hit 100%, and then the deciding factor becomes Attacker Bonus points.

    Didn't you make it EASIER for Easy and Normal to 100%? So Alliances will learn AW with 100% completion, progress up the tiers to Hard (my current Alliance level, Silver 1) and then after that we're not supposed to 100% anymore? Won't Alliances figure out the point in the 80-90% range that becomes the new 100%?
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Progressive item capacity is the solution. The higher tier the alliance the less item they are allowed to use. Since piloting is somewhat under control this will work. Lower alliances aren't going to be as competitive on kill count and exploration anyways so 15 items will do. That way 100% map will be alot harder already. Be creative!!
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    Progressive item capacity is the solution. The higher tier the alliance the less item they are allowed to use. Since piloting is somewhat under control this will work. Lower alliances aren't going to be as competitive on kill count and exploration anyways so 15 items will do. That way 100% map will be alot harder already. Be creative!!

    Kabam want more spending not less, it would not surprise me if they make maps overly difficult and their solution to "help" the community progress on the maps is to lift the item cap, win win for them.
  • winniewinwinwinniewinwin Member Posts: 178
    FimsonCrog wrote: »
    It's so frustrating to put all your hard earned resources (and time getting them) into certain champs that no longer serve the purpose of you ranking them up for in the first place.

    It feels dirty. The feeling of being betrayed.

    Bait and switch is a form of betrayal. Encouraging people to rank champions for diversity sake, then all of a sudden removing the diversity mechanic.....leaving nearly every single player in the game with worthless rank ups and wasted reources is a form of bait and switch. Doing the math: Bait and switch equals betrayal. Betrayal equals being betrayed by a bait and switch. Math is fun!!
    It's like that old saying: if someone calls you a jerk, you should probably ignore it and consider the fact that they might be the jerk. If EVERYONE around you is calling you a jerk, chances are you are a jerk. Call it what it is, not what you might think it is. It is what it is.
    The community is in an uproar, the likes of which I haven't seen since the update 12.0 debacle. That's not good AT ALL. This would be a great opportunity to work with the community and provide support plus limited rank down tickets to show that this was not a deceptive, money grabbing tactic. Instead, Kanam has chosen to squeeze even more money out of already stretched players, following this last AW season of stressfulness, and increasingly alienating the whole community.
    You cannot run any business on the face of the Earth in this way and expect to remain open. My two cents.
    P.S. We all love this game, this is why we are here. We want to see great things from Kabam. We also want to see some form of fairness and appreciation for making this game what it is. Without the players the game wouldnt be here in it's current glory. It would have dissipated long ago. We love this game and want it to remain fun and interactive. What we don't love is extortion tactics and being exploited. No one likes that. Please think about what you are doing to your consumers and community. Please.
  • JyanyoJyanyo Member Posts: 4
    everything is nice except the fact that rank up 5 star champs that i didnt want to, but i did for diversity and now a lot of resources are gone. NOT NICE AT ALL.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    Progressive item capacity is the solution. The higher tier the alliance the less item they are allowed to use. Since piloting is somewhat under control this will work. Lower alliances aren't going to be as competitive on kill count and exploration anyways so 15 items will do. That way 100% map will be alot harder already. Be creative!!

    Kabam want more spending not less, it would not surprise me if they make maps overly difficult and their solution is to lift the item cap, win win for them.

    True... And at that moment kabam might say... We understand your frustration.... Oh btw we just fixed AW defense synergy. You should not see domino iWIM Medusa as much because we need to bring champs to synergize with them like the royal family synergy LOL
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  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    1125 t5b reward gold1.
    So it needs 240weeks to gain 1t5b complete.
    4.6 years... cant stop laughing
    To upgrade an 6*champ i need 3 of them

    Remember that you get 9k t5b shards from doing the uncollected monthly quest, and get shards from the crystals you get as well.

    The ONLY i like that they've done is guarantee some t5b shards at the end of the season for gold 1.
  • Steel109Steel109 Member Posts: 8
    Aight look, I don't mind the maps being harder. For real, I don't. Would be a nice change of pace. But... Working harder for the same rewards is a waste. Instead of halving the rewards for seasons, why not only cut them by 25%? Only adding t2a and t5 shards is a really shady way of justifying this kind of change. My whole alliance feels the same. Kabam... You can't keep making changes like this and not giving us a way to get up to speed. We are talking about 5 star champions. Ranking up these champions costs a ton of gold and catalysts. For once, listen to your fans and loyal players. We don't ask for much... Yeah I said it lol.
  • ZachAttack06ZachAttack06 Member Posts: 74
    Forfeiting a day and not logging in is a lot more of a sacrifice then a couple of pointless crystals. The 4th is a Wed. Which right in the middle of an arena. Lost of points lost by not logging in for a day. For those who grind for units and BCs that’s a lot of time.

    Plus it’s when Aw placement opens. If no one logs in your ally losses a war. Even if it’s a lose that’s missed shards.

    I get it. Unite and so them up. But only 1 day isn’t goin. To do anything. Even to them they know the next day will be back to normal business. Drop in the bucket if you ask me.

    We need another spending protest. That will effect stuff and can be prolonged as long as we want it to last.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Have we gotten a list of what the node buffs do yet?

    b/c their goal is to make it so players aren't able to 100% ... which results in feeling awful and/or letting one's alliance down.
  • ThespusThespus Member Posts: 45
    If the contest is truly interested in making it tougher to let skill win out, then don’t let people revive or heal. The alliance that can do the most damage wins the war. This would make war more of a contest of skill and less of a contest of resource depth.
  • ThespusThespus Member Posts: 45
    Compete without item use and let kabam know that the money grabbing changes are unacceptable.
  • BenLucasBenLucas Member Posts: 69
    So many resources down the drain.... Kabam clearly out of touch, they dont understand the time/effort that goes into so many of these diversity-driven rankups
  • Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Forfeiting a day and not logging in is a lot more of a sacrifice then a couple of pointless crystals. The 4th is a Wed. Which right in the middle of an arena. Lost of points lost by not logging in for a day. For those who grind for units and BCs that’s a lot of time.

    Plus it’s when Aw placement opens. If no one logs in your ally losses a war. Even if it’s a lose that’s missed shards.

    I get it. Unite and so them up. But only 1 day isn’t goin. To do anything. Even to them they know the next day will be back to normal business. Drop in the bucket if you ask me.

    We need another spending protest. That will effect stuff and can be prolonged as long as we want it to last.

    not playing the game worked wonders for destiny 2 it had a huge player drop the next month devs started making changes for the community and started actually useing feedback
  • Batty_NumppoBatty_Numppo Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    I’m not buying this whole “people shouldn’t be getting 100% in war consistently” rhetoric. For a few reasons:

    1) It doesn’t mean it’s easy. Without question, people spend far more items on war than in any other part of the game. It’s not 100% completion for lack of difficulty, but because of our commitment to finish for the lucrative rewards seasons provide. Barring some kind of boycott for these changes, you will see that our commitment isn’t going to change.

    2) You don’t seem to care that the same people spending to win wars are using no items to 100% AQ, any difficulty of the monthly EQ, or any other content. Why should 100% be the standard throughout the game and the rarity in AW?

    3) You’re making it easier to 100% in lower tiers and difficulty ratings of AW.

    People have been saying this, and I agree: the reason for these changes is because, after 2 seasons of watching top tier alliances spend massive effort, resources and $$ to win wars, you figure we would be just as willing to keep it up even if the cost goes up.

    You may be right, Kabam, but you’re infuriating your players.
  • xxxsidewinderxxxxxxsidewinderxxx Member Posts: 74
    Saying the expectation isn't to 100% the Map in AW is like saying the expectation isn't to 100% Chapter 5. That should be the expectation for players but obviously it isn't for Kabam. They of course want players to spend to be able to complete.
  • xxxsidewinderxxxxxxsidewinderxxx Member Posts: 74
    Also shorter season means shorter time to move up tiers in AW and my guess its to get some to get anxious and spend to do just that
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Seriously, how is diversity a problem again? I liked it.

    and why is 100% exploration a problem? what's wrong with rewarding the player and feeling like they helped the alliance by completing their path. This is only a way to increase item sales.

    My problem with all of this is saying that Kabam needs to make a changed because it's causing problems? causing problems for what? Explain what the problem is and why it hurts the revenue of your video game and pushing the issue on the player base for your poor planning. This doesn't make me or anyone really happy. so why do it? who's praising the changes saying, hey this is an awesome change/enhancement?

    -For Continuously changing the meta
    -For Releasing poorly designed champs like Domino
    -For recycling lame tedious content
    -For not coming forward with a new AQ season - seriously it's not a season, a season has a start date and and end date, and in sport/game, provides a reward at the end of it/crowns a champion
    -For poor communication
    -For not addressing the bugs and only expediting bug fixes that benefit the house
    -For not listening to your player base

    Officially Retired
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