Looking for a new alliance

CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
I am a almost 7000 prestige player that is looking for a new alliance.

What I ask for:

1. NO AW required. Enough with that annoying game mode. I coul pop once a week . Not looking for competitive. Tired of tiers 1 and 2. Tiers 3, 4 and 5 as well. Tier 6 ideal.
2. AQ map 4. My real life has become more important than kabam’s agenda. I can play AQ4 only. No map 5 anymore or map 6 period.
3. SA, item use and completion are events that need to be fully meet.
4. I have been an officer since 2015 and I had it. I dont want management duties.

What do you get:

1. Very skill player.
2. Only one path left in LOL.
3. Act 5 100 percent ages ago.
4. All in game challenges 100 percent.
5. My roster is a god tier 5/65 and 4 4/55 plus 45 5 stars most rank 3 and 80+ 4 star, most god tier maxed level 99.

My ideal home is away from competitiveness. I do monthly quest 100 percent and it is my #1 priority. AQ is #2. AW 😷


  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    Wow, it sounds like we could be a great fit...

    Who we are:

    We consist of daily players for the most part, but accommodate adult schedules. We're not casual, but we're also not a place where game commitments come before jobs, family, friends, beer, or MCU marathons. Therefore, we try to create an environment where a person who logs in multiple times a day will be happy and rewarded, but on those days where that's not possible, it's no big deal. To accomplish this, we run 2BG AW and AQ most days, where spots are first come first served. We run 44432 AQ depending on where we land in that sweet spot of Advanced one week, and Expert the next. We tend to be in tier 6 to 10 in AW finishing in Gold 3 the last 2 seasons. We've done map 5 a couple of times when it was free and cleared all 3 BGs with ease. We simply don't like the pressure map 5 puts on us, so don't expect an alliance that will be striving for 5x5 AQ. We hit SA weekly, and there is no saving.

    Who we're looking for:

    We are looking to add players with the skill/experience to contribute immediately. Uncollected is preferred. If you've made progress in RTTL chapter 4 or Act 5, that's about the right skill level also. We expect that you can field a minimum of five 4/40s for AW defense or better, and have strong attack teams for AW and AQ simultaneously, while hitting all required event minimums.

    If you're looking to get away from the map 5 grind and want to join a more casual group that enjoys the game and values time away from the game, then we might be what you're looking for.

    Communication is key. We use the Discord app for strategy chat and joining our server is a requirement. The most successful members tend to be those who spend some amount of time in server chat. We discuss strategy, game news, tips and tricks, bacon, rank up advise, our personal lives, etc. We've got a pretty solid group here and are always looking for that next long term alliance member… even when we're full. You've got to be recruiting all the time. It's a fairly high turnover kind of game.

    We're daily players most days. As such we do have activity expectations which should be easily attainable by a moderate player. You don't need to play a ton, but being able to log in 2 or 3 times a day to progress in AW and AQ is key.


    Donations: 50K gold and 3K loyalty per week (most of these resources are recouped from map 4)

    The first two Map 4 days are mandatory participation - Map 3, Map 2, and AW are optional on any given day, but we expect you to join more often than not overall.

    SA Completed Weekly: 8,000 minimum

    Completion: 10,000 minimum

    Item Use: 2,000 minimum

    To apply, make contact by the methods below. Feel free to reach out to any or all of us.

    In Game: Ground Round or Geddre or Geedoesit

    Discord: Ground Round#0363 -or- geddre#1919 -or- geedoesit#1686

    Line: ground round
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Wow, it sounds like we could be a great fit...

    Who we are:

    We consist of daily players for the most part, but accommodate adult schedules. We're not casual, but we're also not a place where game commitments come before jobs, family, friends, beer, or MCU marathons. Therefore, we try to create an environment where a person who logs in multiple times a day will be happy and rewarded, but on those days where that's not possible, it's no big deal. To accomplish this, we run 2BG AW and AQ most days, where spots are first come first served. We run 44432 AQ depending on where we land in that sweet spot of Advanced one week, and Expert the next. We tend to be in tier 6 to 10 in AW finishing in Gold 3 the last 2 seasons. We've done map 5 a couple of times when it was free and cleared all 3 BGs with ease. We simply don't like the pressure map 5 puts on us, so don't expect an alliance that will be striving for 5x5 AQ. We hit SA weekly, and there is no saving.

    Who we're looking for:

    We are looking to add players with the skill/experience to contribute immediately. Uncollected is preferred. If you've made progress in RTTL chapter 4 or Act 5, that's about the right skill level also. We expect that you can field a minimum of five 4/40s for AW defense or better, and have strong attack teams for AW and AQ simultaneously, while hitting all required event minimums.

    If you're looking to get away from the map 5 grind and want to join a more casual group that enjoys the game and values time away from the game, then we might be what you're looking for.

    Communication is key. We use the Discord app for strategy chat and joining our server is a requirement. The most successful members tend to be those who spend some amount of time in server chat. We discuss strategy, game news, tips and tricks, bacon, rank up advise, our personal lives, etc. We've got a pretty solid group here and are always looking for that next long term alliance member… even when we're full. You've got to be recruiting all the time. It's a fairly high turnover kind of game.

    We're daily players most days. As such we do have activity expectations which should be easily attainable by a moderate player. You don't need to play a ton, but being able to log in 2 or 3 times a day to progress in AW and AQ is key.


    Donations: 50K gold and 3K loyalty per week (most of these resources are recouped from map 4)

    The first two Map 4 days are mandatory participation - Map 3, Map 2, and AW are optional on any given day, but we expect you to join more often than not overall.

    SA Completed Weekly: 8,000 minimum

    Completion: 10,000 minimum

    Item Use: 2,000 minimum

    To apply, make contact by the methods below. Feel free to reach out to any or all of us.

    In Game: Ground Round or Geddre or Geedoesit

    Discord: Ground Round#0363 -or- geddre#1919 -or- geedoesit#1686

    Line: ground round

    I will definetly take a look
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Any other offers ??????
  • MaximumCrashMaximumCrash Member Posts: 111
    Man I would love for you to come to our alliance but I am afraid it would not meet what you are wanting. We are mix of new and veteran players just trying to enjoy the game and have fun.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Went ahead and moved this to the correct section so that you can have an easier time finding an Alliance. Good luck!
  • Whiteboyprime1Whiteboyprime1 Member Posts: 12
    Hey we might be a little to laid back for you...but we’re a 10 man group. 8 Used to be the core of a competitive alliance but now just play for fun. Have two newer guys we helped grow into good players and they may have quit playing. Looking for a few more to replace if they retired. We do aq 3 and 4, always complete, donations are by choice we don’t usually max item use but always completion. All adults with families and jobs just play for fun but stay pretty active. One downfall our PI is to high so we got bumped up to 110k bracket for SA so don’t hit it.
    In game name is Whiteboy Prime quake is top champ friend me if interested
  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    @CapWW2 We are a fun alliance, but we do play AW--meaning it's required (it's low-key, we will never make you spend, but still required). A little confused when you say you want AW to be not required yet looking for Tier 6! What about tier 8-10 yet required?

    Check out my post for the full details and contact me in line: sillycaitlin if interested.

  • BrimleyBrimley Member Posts: 37
    We have 21 right now. Quite a few veterans who also have profiles in at least one more alliance. We are at bronze 1 this season and could have been higher if we had more people sooner. Laid back but competitive. Looking for more people willing to help us meet SA and do AQ map 3 or 4. No donations required. We usually war once weekly but have signups for people who want to join. Hit me up if interested either here or on line. My line Id: luker341.
  • BrimleyBrimley Member Posts: 37
    We have 21 right now. Quite a few veterans who also have profiles in at least one more alliance. We are at bronze 1 this season and could have been higher if we had more people sooner. Laid back but competitive. Looking for more people willing to help us meet SA and do AQ map 3 or 4. No donations required. We usually war once weekly but have signups for people who want to join. Hit me up if interested either here or on line. My line Id: luker341.
  • NatedogNatedog Member Posts: 73
    @capww2 We’re a veteran group that is close to what you are looking for. We run 1 BG off season AW and 1-2 during AW season. We only run map 2 or 3 AQ. No donations. Hit weekly SA and completion.
    Hit me up in game or via Line if interested.
    Line: Nate..dog
    In game: Nate..dog
    Alliance: Neutron Nancy (Nanks)
  • AngverineAngverine Member Posts: 72
    hi there, have dropped u a message.
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