What should I try to do?

I am a fairly new player with starting not long ago, I have completed the first two Acts and a quarter way done the third. I try to do all the Events; Deadpool, Infinity War, Ant-Man, etc. Should I be focusing on Arena, catalysts, ISO (Campaign) or doing Events. My current line up is at 8.4K (would show but the game is in maintenance) I am slowly growing but pretty soon my team will all be at rank three, four stars and I don't know what I shall do after that to upgrade them because getting tier four catalysts for basic is hard.
Any tips would be nice.
Any tips would be nice.
I would only do arena if your shooting for a really good champ. If you need catalyst for a champ rank up focus on catalyst for that champ. Iso can really be earned in both story and event. As far as upgrading champs. I would focus on your story. And then some for your event , not including Catalyst quest and stuff like that.
Also find an active alliance it helps you grow so much faster.
Basically give up your social live and play as mich as possible 😂