TP1 - AW gold 1/2200, AQ 65555, 6500 prestige

Taint Punch 1 (hard core allaince in the “Taint Punch” family - there are now 7 total), is looking for members. We’ve been gold 1 the last couple of seasons, on the cusp of moving into plat 3. We run one day of map 6 weekly, so we get a weekly t4cc.

We use CHQ for communication, primarily. Line is used with our other allys, but CHQ works well for keeping AW and AQ organized.

Contact our head honcho for questions: CHQ: Rickthemang#iTve, Line: Rickthemang

We’re looking for members that want to both push hard in AW attack (i.e., will organize to keep deaths low), and run map 6 once each AQ. (We typically run map 6 on the non-AW attack day, either day 1 or day 2 of AQ.)

Current donations are 156k gold, 40k bc, 17k loyalty



  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    Who flagged this as spam? I’m not aware of any other posts from my ally. Whatevs
  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    FYI after the recent AW announcements there was a bit of a kerfluffle between some of the officers, and several of the members split off to create the seventh ally of the “family” of alliances. Which is why you might notice we are not totally full just yet.

    We’re using this AQ week to rebuild (so no map 6) but we are planning on running AW still.
  • AbusementParkAbusementPark Member Posts: 164
    Best of luck to you guys !
  • RickthemangRickthemang Member Posts: 136
    Still a few spots left. If you’re a skilled player who can handle their war and AQ paths, we want to talk to you!

    Line: Rickthemang
    CHQ Rickthemang#iTve
  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    Just a couple of more spots available, if you're interested in playing with an organized team, we'd like to talk to you!

    We use CHQ and try to pre-assign paths and lines, just to make sure there's no confusion and it's easy and obvious of what to do for the entire BG.

    Line: Rickthemang
    CHQ Rickthemang#iTve
  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    A couple of more spots are available!

    Even after a major recent reorganization, where a BG split off to form a new alliance, we are still at 16M rating and 6400 prestige. (And, we’re neck and neck vs a 21M plat 3 AW opponent...)

    Contact our boss on Line or CHQ:

    Line: Rickthemang
    CHQ: Rickthemang#iTve
  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    A new spot has opened up!

    If you’re looking to join in and get a map 5 run done, we’ve started really late this week due to the turnover and maintenance, so you have until 9pm eastern to join up, and get another map 6 crystal or two.

    CHQ: Rickthemang#iTve
    Line: Rickthemang
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