Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Need alliance does 3bgs AQ, no minimums

Looking for ally that does 3bgs AQ and clears them. Want active 30 person ally where all participate. My account is at 180k or so.


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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
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    Cannoli29Cannoli29 Posts: 31
    Find me on line, let's talk. Cannoli29
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    NGG20NGG20 Posts: 48
    Hit me up, in game name is NGG20 line id nggtwenty, run map 3 no donations and 3 bgs for war
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    Aclark151Aclark151 Posts: 138
    Let’s chat find me in game Aclark151 or on line. Same ID for both man.
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    B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    We are a very organized group with a 4mil rating. Clearing map 4 with 3BGs 3x a week and running map 2 on war days. Silver 2 last season. Will be silver 1 next. We hit 41-70% SA weekly. Low donations. No event minimums. Just looking for active and skilled players to contribute to AW and AQ. We have a great and friendly chatline that discusses many things besides the game. We are looking for people who can hold their own on map 4 and clear a lane in AW. Our group has been together for a while and we are not looking for someone who just joins to prosper and leaves. We want to grow together as a team. So if that is something you are looking for please hit me up.

    B_Dizzle_01 ign
    b_dizzle_01 line
    B_Dizzle_01#1147 discord
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    Warpath51Warpath51 Posts: 10
    My in game is id On the warpath.

    Hit me up. We run all three bgs for AQ and war, map 4 and occasional 3. No mandatory donations. Rarely hold for SA. Good active fun laid back alliance.
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    Warpath51Warpath51 Posts: 10
    Sorry, ID is On the warpath.
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