Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Can't start or access AQ map [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation]

Budha63Budha63 Posts: 110
edited July 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues

I've restarted the game my phone promoted others and everything but it won't let us start a new aq map and we've been finished for quite a while now what is going on?
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on


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    Priest64Priest64 Posts: 56
    Bro, I just tried to start one too, but couldn't. I don't want to complain, but KABAM needs to get on it, and KABAM is costing us valuable points for AQ that we're missing. This isn't on us KABAM. It is on you!!! Make this happen, and fix it!!!
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    Priest64Priest64 Posts: 56
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    Budha63Budha63 Posts: 110
    edited July 2018
    At least we're not alone I guess!
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    LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Posts: 32
    It was day3 map5, we completed map5 in bg1 with 98% exploration, 100% in bg2 and about 77% in bg3.
    Now aq is over and we have no map 5 history
    And we haven't received any rewards.
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    LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Posts: 32
    My ign is Lord Piyush
    And alliance tag is HLKR
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    Gandorf211Gandorf211 Posts: 6
    Ran aq the last three days. Timer says we have 1 day 13 hours left. Try to start new run and says quest has expired. What is going on?
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    ArbotrosArbotros Posts: 7
    We have same issue
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    Priest64Priest64 Posts: 56
    And it is still down!!!
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    tusharNairtusharNair Posts: 290 ★★
    Same here for us
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    tusharNairtusharNair Posts: 290 ★★
    @""Kabam Miike"
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    LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Posts: 32
    And we're also unable to start alliance quest.
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    OpKoersOpKoers Posts: 5
    Same here, this is getting really annoying.
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    ChampioncriticChampioncritic Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Perhaps now they'll make 30 min timers permanent lol
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    LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Posts: 32
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    ArbotrosArbotros Posts: 7
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    gadgetfanaticgadgetfanatic Posts: 326
    same here
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    Sampad13184Sampad13184 Posts: 15
    Same here
    @Kabam Miike do something
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    aiktow4uaiktow4u Posts: 72
    and zero response from the team typical "working as intended"
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    Kabam SpiceKabam Spice Posts: 344
    edited July 2018
    Hey Guys! Sorry for the delayed response. I have alerted the team of this issue. We will look into it and work to get it resolved as soon as possible.
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    sunnykpsunnykp Posts: 22
    Still cant start new AQs plz help
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    Khorin_PKhorin_P Posts: 4
    Still down. Really frustrating. These bugs happen on my day off when I can spend hours playing.
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    Same here, not able to start any Map in AQ.
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    Tyda420Tyda420 Posts: 0
    Our whole alliance can't access any map in AQ. Please fix!!!!!
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    damianohmdamianohm Posts: 162
    Same here.
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