Electro and Iceman Changes Required

So Sabretooth is immune to cold snap, this being as his character descriptions mentions he is “immune to cold”.
Surely, surely a man, a hero made of ice would be immune to cold too? Iceman should be immune to cold snap and we’ve never had a response from Kabam as to why he isn’t.
Nor have we had an official response to why Electro, a man, a villain who has Electric coursing through his veins isn’t immune to electrons electric damage.
With enough votes I hope we can get this idea put forward to the game team.
We all want a fun and interactive game, but some characters need to be designed with a bit more logic and a bit more attention paid to who they are as a champion.
Surely, surely a man, a hero made of ice would be immune to cold too? Iceman should be immune to cold snap and we’ve never had a response from Kabam as to why he isn’t.
Nor have we had an official response to why Electro, a man, a villain who has Electric coursing through his veins isn’t immune to electrons electric damage.
With enough votes I hope we can get this idea put forward to the game team.
We all want a fun and interactive game, but some characters need to be designed with a bit more logic and a bit more attention paid to who they are as a champion.
Electro and Iceman Changes Required 152 votes
Side note: shock immune Corvus should also be immune to Electro's rebound damage as long as he has glaive charges.
*runs away*
Why doesn't Blade get power when he is bleeding himself?
Why isn't Loki coldsnap immune? He is a frost giant after all.
Why isn't Thor shock immune?
Why don't robots take more shock damage?
Why can't GR melt Iceman?
The game is what it is. Just enjoy it for that reason. The game team is always aware of weird irony they create. They wont change it.
By the way @WWIICaptainAmerica you aren't the first person to ask these questions. You won't be the last. Your poll will not help or further the cause.
Iceman has frozen hell before so I can let gr not melting him slide
The electro debate was for him to be immune to shock since he’s electric. Not immune to coldsnap.
Also on the subject of Sabertooth. Just want to throw out there that he’s not listed as a villain for danger sense. He seemed to be on the bad side in most content I’m aware of. I know a little off topic but thought it was relevant since he was brought up about coldsnap.
And I agree with the entire argument of electro and iceman. It makes no sense that someone made of ice or electricity could be harmed by the elements that compose them.
I agree
Just think it’s a good debate topic but sorry if I’m flogging a dead horse.
If nothing changes I’ve atleast enjoyed reading people’s arguments for and against the idea.
I agree Iceman is already pretty OP and making him immune to coldsnap would make him more so. So, here's a thought, maybe Iceman, a man made out of ice, should be immune to coldsnap but not INCINERATE? On balance, it would nerf him, since a lot more champs do incinerate than coldsnap, but he'd still be an insanely powerful character.
So then what is the forum for then???? Yeah the more people who mention this and demand change the more likely Kabam will look into it. Standing by in the herd of sheeple waiting for change doesn't solve the problems of this game and or the world.
Please don't tag the MOD's like that. It's against the ToS for one and they have a lot of stuff going on.
It's absolutely part of what the forum is. But there are existing threads that are out there that can be added to instead of starting a new one. It's pretty well known that everyone wants Iceman to be coldsnap immune. Miike has commented on both him and GR and his reasoning was because Incinerate/Coldsnap Immunities didn't exist before they were champs.
Honestly, Electro should get a redesign where the amount of feedback damage when hit increases and decreases with how much power he has stored (base 10% raises to 40% when all 3 bars are full).
Regarding Iceman, I understand the trade off with Coldsnap, so if tweaked to allow him to be cold immune they should rework incineration immunity to be only a resistance, i.e.
Incidentally, Loki as the only other ice attacker so far should gain a percentage chance to trigger a variation of Coldsnap they could call 'Frost Bite' as a unique synergy when paired with either Iceman or Storm. It would hint at the separate histories both Iceman and Storm shared with Asgardian tweaks to their powers in the comics. If they ever add Crystal of the Inhumans, maybe she could have a water effect that also triggers Coldsnap, but I suggested a configuration of her powers that divides the battle stage into four quadrants and elemental based abilities in each one related to Earth, Water, Air and Fire (back to front) that can be seen here.
Other candidates for ice effects would be Star-Lord (element gun doing ice damage instead of shock, straight swap) and Ronan (his hammer is supposed to have elemental effects).