Special Attack After 5 Hit Combo

GentmoGentmo Member Posts: 5
I've seen alot of players lunching a special attack after 5 hit combo(the last hit should be a medium attak ) verry easy.I doesn't work for me at all and I'm 100% sure it is not a skill issue.What can be the problem?


  • 4_ME_U_D0N34_ME_U_D0N3 Member Posts: 141
    In this aq week ive been having the same issue especially in aq i was launching an l1 and the enemy had already recovered from my combo and guard...i dont understand how the bugs that supposedly got fixed....resurface after a week or a month
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  • Bosoxg1rlBosoxg1rl Member Posts: 31
    AQ Map 5, The Hood mini boss node before Global node and Dorm. Fighting with WWII. I'd no debuffs, long string of hits, completed a combo cleanly into sp2. He was at a standstill, not blocking.
    Before the animation of sp2 could even complete, the game glitches. before the shield made contact, it bommeranged back at double speed. The Hood raised one arm - just an arm, no other animation, no lightning, etc, and no damage numbers popping up. But I suddenly dropped. K.O.ed. Nothing else happened. Just glitch and down.

    Blocking has been off, hit boxes and whiffing. Even the AI was whiffing. But this instance is absurd - clean play, and a fight almost complete, and *poof*. Just done. How do I justify spending units or resources for that kind of gameplay?
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