Special Attack After 5 Hit Combo
I've seen alot of players lunching a special attack after 5 hit combo(the last hit should be a medium attak ) verry easy.I doesn't work for me at all and I'm 100% sure it is not a skill issue.What can be the problem?
Before the animation of sp2 could even complete, the game glitches. before the shield made contact, it bommeranged back at double speed. The Hood raised one arm - just an arm, no other animation, no lightning, etc, and no damage numbers popping up. But I suddenly dropped. K.O.ed. Nothing else happened. Just glitch and down.
Blocking has been off, hit boxes and whiffing. Even the AI was whiffing. But this instance is absurd - clean play, and a fight almost complete, and *poof*. Just done. How do I justify spending units or resources for that kind of gameplay?