Goldpool second Arena

Why in compensation thread you are excluding people who haven't joinned Goldpool arena before outage ? It is not fair as i didnt had time before and wanted to join Arena late and use units/boosts to score maximum points.
Why i am not allowed to join this time ? I agree it should not be free entry and must have a golden ticket. But people who were not able join last time and have golden ticket should be allowed to join if they wish for 2nd Run.
Thanks for reconsidering.
Why in compensation thread you are excluding people who haven't joinned Goldpool arena before outage ? It is not fair as i didnt had time before and wanted to join Arena late and use units/boosts to score maximum points.
Why i am not allowed to join this time ? I agree it should not be free entry and must have a golden ticket. But people who were not able join last time and have golden ticket should be allowed to join if they wish for 2nd Run.
Thanks for reconsidering.
They aren't reconsidering anything lol