Gwenpool Sig Ability

DramioneDramione Member Posts: 76
edited July 2018 in General Discussion
Hey, guys.

I've read that GP's ability reduction is about 2% per hit. Can anyone confirm this? Because mine doesn't do this. For example, I was just farming potions in RoL and at 64 hits, Juggernaut still became Unstoppable.


  • DramioneDramione Member Posts: 76
  • ShadPrinceShadPrince Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    It's not confirmed 2%, that's just a generalised number that the community uses, kabam hasn't said what it is exactly

    That being said, this post means that number will probably have to change lol
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Its defensive AAR. Juggs unstoppable is not a defensive ability
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    It is 2% per hit, and this was confirmed by the moderators.
    However, she only reduces defensive ability accuracy, or abilities that are triggered defensively. Juggernaut unstoppable is an offensibe ability sincr is triggered after using special attacks
  • BruceLeroy32BruceLeroy32 Member Posts: 4
    It won’t reduce juggernaut’s unstoppable because that is an offensive ability. Gwenpool’s sig ability only reduces defensive ability accuracy.
  • DramioneDramione Member Posts: 76
    Oh. I feel stupid!

  • H_B0MBH_B0MB Member Posts: 52
    You’re not alone. Lol. I used to wonder about it too.
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