Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Monthly quest

With all the current issues and the game being almost unplayable for some can we get an extension to the ongoing monthly & wasp events?


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    ezmoneyezmoney Posts: 208
    dude you get 30 days....that's more than enough time.
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    Jjjmb5Jjjmb5 Posts: 119
    More time to complete at max taking ur time 5 day event
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    IcsGrecIcsGrec Posts: 919 ★★★
    I only play the game in short periods of 10-15 minutes and I have managed to explore heroic, complete master and explore half of chapter 3, and complete uncollected.

    The game is not by far “almost unplayable”
    You just need to work around the issues. You can find a way to play if you really want to, without having to play for hours straight or till your phone reaches barbeque temperature.
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    Hendo2014Hendo2014 Posts: 67
    I can barely play 5 fights without the phone overheating and uncollected pretty much runs in slow motion
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