New York Comic 2018

@Kabam Miike
Curious if you guys will be at comic con this year ? If so what do you have planned ?
Also , anyone here making plans to get out to New York? I hadn’t heard too much from anyone .
Curious if you guys will be at comic con this year ? If so what do you have planned ?
Also , anyone here making plans to get out to New York? I hadn’t heard too much from anyone .
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Will you be coming back ? Or do you think it will be more organized this year .
RNG you have to catch him in the right place at the right time ha ha h
Stark assignment. But with rewards that are worth my time.
NYCC itself was amazing with or without Kabam. I’d recommend going if you can (General tickets just went on sale). I’m not going back this year as NYC itself is too expensive.
And I second others saying that NYCC is amazing with or without us. If you like comics, games, Super Heroes, et cetera - it's a great place to be. So many like-minded and passionate people in one spot, and the cosplays are always humbling good. I always have this moment where I step into the convention center and my heart does that happy little 'crunch' within my chest, as I whisper to myself 'These Are My People'. Which is also the same way I felt when I went to my first ever PAX
Are you guys planning to have the same presence and booth/event size as last year? As in new champ play tests, competition, and dev interviews? MCOC would be my main reason going to NYCC.
PAX is entirely video games focused, where as NYCC is more comics focused. Both both have some crossover. it just depends on what your passions are, yanno? I personally love both. I've not really been to the smaller ones, but it depends on what you go for. If you're going for celebrities and large, fancy booths, then I suspect the smaller cons to have much less of that. But if you are going for the really cool sense of community you get from a bunch of people in one place that all love the same things, then it's 100% worth it. There are talented cosplayers even at the smaller cons, too
We will have the same 'size' presence, but I can't reveal details of what we are doing. We always try to do a new/different thing each year, especially because we do have some fans that come to see us every single year. It is really flattering that we are the main reason you go to NYCC, thank you for that!! Planning a presence at NYCC takes MONTHS of work (probably around 10 months to be honest) and logistics stuff, so it's always nice to hear how much people appreciate that.
The amount of work required to make a presence at a comic-con happen means that it's unlikely we would have two different presences at the same time - we don't have a team size big enough to make it work. We know that there are a lot of people around the world that would love to see something in their local area though, which is why we created a sub-forum with some ideas and suggestions surrounding hosting community led meet-ups. A few people have done it and had great fun doing it, but the forum section hasn't seen a lot of traffic yet. You can find those resources here:
PS shout out to Alberta! I am born and raised in BC, but have a lot of family scattered throughout AB
It was worth a shot. I would be thrilled to see an official meet up of sorts put on by Kabam locally. Either Edmonton or Calgary (🤢). Personally I’m not much into the “community” ran meet ups.
P.S. born and raised in a certain Wasp’s hometown 😉
Thanks for the info . Think I’m going to make that trip just want to make sure I can get work off as there is a decent amount of time before it starts .
That just made me purchase my tickets to comic con literally !!!!!!! Thanks , I’ll see you guys there . I imagine this time around the crowds will be bigger than last year.
You guys would be the main reason I come as wel. San Diego comic con is a lot closer . I know this takes a lot of time to plan, which is what I’m asking about 4 months I’m advance . Thanks for the response
I’ve never been to comic con. But if that is the case hopefully they make you check your pitchfork at the door.
Because of how big these conventions are