6646 Prestige looking for 5x5 and Gold1/Plat3 ally

What I’m looking for: an ally that runs map 5x5 and is either going to be in plat 3 at the start of the season or very high up in gold 1. No desire whatsoever to be an officer or have any added responsibility - just want to be a foot soldier and do my part.
More about me: prestige of 6646. 3 6*s (cable, ww2 cap and OG DD). 1 5* r5 (Medusa) and just shy of the next t5b to r5 another. 5 5* r4 (SL, x23, Hood, magik, iceman). A ton of other 5*s and 20 or so 4* r5s. Less active on the weekends than I am during the week but always communicates when I’ll be less active. Act 5 completely finished, 1 path done in LOL. Not a huge arena grinder but generally try to hit at least the 1000 5* and 100 6* rank for most arenas as well as all the t4b and t1a arenas.
Hit me up in game or on line - same name as here and as in game. Don’t waste my or your time if your ally doesn’t fit what I’m looking for.
@takeФff @RayT @Panchulon21 @Ab_Samad