Infinity War Iron Man needs to be Nerfed

IWIM needs be nerfed as I feel there is no real true way and strategy to defeat him in AW. I have practiced on him countless times in Duels etc to prepare myself for him in AW and yet I feel it doesn’t matter because Duels are a joke compared to AW and nodes he’s placed on. Any champions that can shoot off 3 special 1’s back to back to back without even hitting him is crazy. Auto blocks, immune too buffs most the time like bleed poison etc. When the best way to beat a champ is intercepting their heavies with your heavies is the key then we have a problem. Hey I understand how great he is on defense but dang this is ridiculous and I feel Kabam should nerf IWIM. I’m curious what your thoughts on nerfing IWIM are. Thanks for listening.
last war I fought against only a 4*R5 imiw on one of the "easier" node (enhanced armor, section1 - right side).
i used 5*R4 GR at first without getting hit but I timed out after doing 50% damage.
second attempt i used 5*R5 Blade. without getting hit i took him down 5-10 seconds before time out.
i hate this guy.
No armor means no autoblock
Why no one mentions AAR champs is beyond me, but they are viable... yeah just viable
That would effectively nerf a number of Champs.
It'll be quite humorous to see these requests for a nerf do a complete 180 when some of these complainants get a lucky crystal.
No it’s not. You just didn’t get the timing right. IMIW sp1 can be counter attacked by every single champ in game.
Passive armor ups are not buffs. It states in Medusa’s abilities that she prevents armor up buffs (I think).
That’s cause you’re not fighting him right. I could get him down to 15% in less than a minute because his hp pool is so long. Thereafter I have 2 mins to return heavies.