**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.

Game is once more suffering missing imputs..

It started when i noticed my chamos sometimes wouldnt dash back when prompted to. I thought it was maybe my screen being dirty, or just a lil lag. But it happened more and more.

So i decided to run a simple test, one which everyone having Quake can do.

A good Quake player will be able to charge a heavy, wait the autoevade, dash back once, and go back into heavy charging. Untill 2 days ago this was my bread and butter and easily 100% failproof.

In the last 2 days i've been dueling with quake testing the imputs reaction time. Well, to my surprise and disappointment, dashing back and going into heavy charge doesn't register. Quake will stand there not moving, but not charging. While this could happen every now and then before (lag spikes?), in the last 48 hrs this happens 100% of times, unless you wait at least half a second or even more (resulting into losing the fluid charges gain or being hit actually).

Anyone able to check this aswell and feedback here? I don't think it's my net as i play with my phone using the cabled pc's connection. But who knows, the last 3 days are being full of bugs for me once again.


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    Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Posts: 358 ★★
    Who is chamos?
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    furymachine84furymachine84 Posts: 80
    It happens to me all the time! I want to dash forward to attack & my heavy activates, mini freezes or just sit there whiffing. You want to attack, heavy a stunned opponent, parry, dash back/evade, block, activate special... Oh no! You must be crazy if you think that's acceptable! And you must be punished for such insolence.

    My 5 favorites...
    1: every special is blocked or parried, even when AI is charging me.
    2: AI lands a heavy when I am clearly out of range. It actually looks like it grows sometimes when this happens.
    3: AI is way faster than normal
    4: AI is 2-3x more aggressive than it should be.
    5: when I do parry, block or especially when I evade & block an attack, I still get hit as if I had just stood there.
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    K1lltasticK1lltastic Posts: 674 ★★★
    I've noticed the same with Quake recently. I'm thinking Kabam has messed with her ability behind the scenes. Small champion tweaks. Next update we'll find that Quake has a timer for going back into charging her heavy, or something to that effect...
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    DaMunkDaMunk Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    The game is incredibly bugged. A large number of champs don't work properly and game mechanics are broken. I'd be embarrassed if I was Kabam. I use Iceman religiously in AWO and now he won't stop evasion all the time.
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