AW Rating Dropped 300 points! When does this stop!

MUT4NTXMUT4NTX Member Posts: 39
edited July 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
We work hard to get to where we are, so could somebody explain why we were sitting at 2020 AW rating and having a great run! Then after finding matchmaking we drop 300 points to 1720 AW rating! Is it not bad enough having nothing but code on my screen and all you say is redownload from playstore with your automated responses! Is that practical every time i move in AQ and AW? The icing on the cake is 300 points dropped and gone?? Could we have some answers please as this is effecting some dedicated players in a big way and top alliances and im sure many are getting sick of it... @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Valkyrie






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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    300 wat rating is generally cause a member piloted war or acct shared.

    So it stops when your allaince stops cheating

  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    ours did too and we're not cheating.
  • MUT4NTXMUT4NTX Member Posts: 39
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    300 wat rating is generally cause a member piloted war or acct shared.

    So it stops when your allaince stops cheating
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    300 wat rating is generally cause a member piloted war or acct shared.

    So it stops when your allaince stops cheating


    Now very constructive gents. Accusations. Now personally ill take your immature comments on the chin because alliances that work hard to where they are at dont cheat. Its happened to a good few ive noticed who have worked hard. Good luck filtering yourselves. Usually it takes somebody that manipulates the system to point at an innocent party.
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  • MUT4NTXMUT4NTX Member Posts: 39
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    MUT4NTX wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    300 wat rating is generally cause a member piloted war or acct shared.

    So it stops when your allaince stops cheating
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    300 wat rating is generally cause a member piloted war or acct shared.

    So it stops when your allaince stops cheating


    Now very constructive gents. Accusations. Now personally ill take your immature comments on the chin because alliances that work hard to where they are at dont cheat. Its happened to a good few ive noticed who have worked hard. Good luck filtering yourselves. Usually it takes somebody that manipulates the system to point at an innocent party.

    Innocents arent punished. Who got docked ne or you? Right you someone in your allaince cheats

    A lot since matchmaking. Pretty strange coincidence dont you think. And accounts get banned for account sharing or piloting. Not just docked 300.
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  • MUT4NTXMUT4NTX Member Posts: 39
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Lol check again the forum is full of why wasnt the acct sharing banned posts.. they punish acct sharing in wars by docking wars.

    Simple as that

    All you have done in here is accused and tried to be clever. Personally i find it offensive. Google.. "trolling" pretty sure thats an offense in this forum also no?
  • Haldir1983Haldir1983 Member Posts: 20
    My Ally has the same problem. We lose 250 pts of rating. If some1 in my ally was piloting alliance leader should know about it. Kabam should sendna msg to leaders.
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  • MUT4NTXMUT4NTX Member Posts: 39
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    I'm saying what happened and its trolling? Should reset the war rating to zero for acct sharing.. 300 is such a minor punishment.. perm ban the acct allaince reset to zero

    Could you please close this thread then "Kabamdropfaith" i guess this issue is now closed. Lol Go troll someone else. I would prefer somebody that has half a clue to help me out but again thanks for your mature response.
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2018
    Same drop here.
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  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2018
    Honestly, I don’t think the current system was well thought out. Should cheaters be punished ... yes, should alliances that cheat have their war rating/ season points docked ... yes. But a lack of transparency on Kabams part to identify the offenders is where the issue is. I can understand that Kabam not wanting to identify specifically a player, but if that’s the case don’t dock the whole alliance for the actions of 1 person. Instead give the offender a 24-48 hr ban, remove any rewards that they received from the war in question and send the alliance leader an in game message that one of their members was involved in a TOS violation and if it happens again the alliance will b docked. If it was more than one offender in the same alliance then dock the alliance and ban the offenders.

    This allows alliance leadership the ability to address the situation and stops the punishment of the whole team that has worked hard and spent resources to get where they are. In most cases leadership is unaware of who the offenders are and that it is even occourring. Problem solved.

    I would sincerely request that you bring my suggestion to whichever team handles this issue.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Ad0ra_
  • NinjaWarrior99NinjaWarrior99 Member Posts: 340
    The problem is that you have 30 players in your alliance. If they all "claim" to not be cheating and kabam won't tell the leader who it was, how does the alliance fix the issue?
  • Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    edited July 2018
    MUT4NTX wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Lol check again the forum is full of why wasnt the acct sharing banned posts.. they punish acct sharing in wars by docking wars.

    Simple as that

    All you have done in here is accused and tried to be clever. Personally i find it offensive. Google.. "trolling" pretty sure thats an offense in this forum also no?

    now to be fair he's not wrong people that cheat in alliance wars the alliance gets docked points someone is most likely cheating and won't come forward remember to tell ur ally mates emulators like bluestacks is against tos well
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I've already brought up the emulator issues to everyone and no one has admitted to using one either. This is the second points dock we've had in two weeks without any bans as well
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  • Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    I've already brought up the emulator issues to everyone and no one has admitted to using one either. This is the second points dock we've had in two weeks without any bans as well

    yeah that's the part that i hate with kabam and how they handle cheaters without banning the guy from wars it's kinda impossible for a ally to tell who is cheating
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    I've already brought up the emulator issues to everyone and no one has admitted to using one either. This is the second points dock we've had in two weeks without any bans as well

    It could be something as simple as someone moving an acct up for 1 fight to free a node..
    They actually rarely seen to ban for.these actions

    And I'm not saying that's not possible at all just that no one is coming forward and no one is getting banned. How in the world are people supposed to correct an issue if kabam won't give the information needed to correct it?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Sirnoob2 wrote: »
    I've already brought up the emulator issues to everyone and no one has admitted to using one either. This is the second points dock we've had in two weeks without any bans as well

    yeah that's the part that i hate with kabam and how they handle cheaters without banning the guy from wars it's kinda impossible for a ally to tell who is cheating

    Yep, it's a ridiculous system. How can you claim to be against an action but not give alliances the information needed to correct it?
  • swallace8182swallace8182 Member Posts: 21
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Most times the leader has an email saying it was lowered too

    And our alliance leader did not receive an in-game email
  • swallace8182swallace8182 Member Posts: 21
    Response from Kabam Support:

    Hello Summoner,

    We would first like to thank you for taking the time to submit your concern to us. We are currently experiencing a large number of contacts regarding this specific issue, and so we may be unable to answer you individually. With that being said we did want to let you know that we are currently investigating your concern. As soon as we have an update you will be among the first to know. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or questions regarding a separate matter then please feel free to submit another case to us, and we would be more than happy to look into that for you.

    Thanks again, and we will talk to you soon
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★

    We cannot discuss actions taken against accounts on the forums. Please review our statement about account sharing and piloting. Since this is not a bug, this discussion will now be closed.
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