Weekly Arena Hero Announcements

This week's Featured Champion is the surly Yondu!
He'll be joined by Dr Strange as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Dr Strange as the Basic Hero.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
The Basic Hero will be Dr Voodoo!
He'll be joined by Venom as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Hyperion as the Basic Champion.
He'll be joined by this week's surprise Basic Hero, Winter Soldier.
He'll be joined by Howard the Duck as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Joe Fixit, who was mad he didn't get his turn, as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Gwenpool as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Captain America (WWII) as the Basic Hero.
Cable will be tagging along as the Basic Hero!
He'll be joined by X-23 as the Basic Hero!
He'll be joined by The Hood as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Iron Man as the Basic Hero!
He'll be joined by Dormammu as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Black Panther (Comic) as the Basic Hero!
He'll be joined by Archangel as the Basic Hero.
She'll be joined by Old Man Logan as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Psylocke as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Iron Fist as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Iceman as the Basic Hero.
She'll be joined by Groot as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Angela as the Basic Hero
He'll be joined by Rocket (the Raccoon) as the Basic Hero!
He'll be joined by King Groot as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Drax as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Nebula as the Basic Hero.
She'll be joined by Gamora as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Yondu as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Star-Lord as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Carnage as the Basic Hero.
He'll be joined by Punisher as the Basic Hero.