How IMIW’s abilities are all wrong from a lore perspective (a lesson)

Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
(Spoilers for infinity war are necessary to engage in this conversation. If you haven’t seen the movie and are waiting for digital/Blu-ray then check my other discussions about ways to buff old characters otherwise enjoy)

Disclaimer: I am not actively against IMIW in terms of how the devs decided to create him. Balance be damned I guess. I am merely engaging my thoughts about the abilities in game vs those we’ve seen portrayed in the media of origin (in this case Marvel’s The Avengers: Infinity War)

I could easily go on multiple tangents regarding this affront to balance but there’s a less talked about issue with his abilities that while they characters get talked about IMIW is overlooked in this regard

Iron Man Infinity War has TERRIBLE abilities from a lore perspective. This is NOT about how hawkeye can defeat hulk and more about the “wut” moment when realizing the champ has or doesn’t have abilities:

Shock um no. Despite most comic versions being equipped with anti and pro EMP tech IMIW suit never demonstrated any electrical effect (unless you count it being torn apart and exposed).

Passive Armor On Titan we see Tony v Thanos and we very much see that suit actively getting thrashed and ripped off him. The suit has to be actively summoned and of all the armor in the game to make passive (*COLOSSUS*) an Iron Man with passive armor just seems weird

What he DIDN’T GET:

COLDSNAP frankly I despise character specific abilities that have to have several counters cause it’s kinda unfair to only have 1 counter for 1 prevalent character. We see the suit literally have a freeze ray of sorts on the Q-Ship… we easily could have had a sword, quick ice blast, coldsnap and while under cold snap critical hits landed weaker end frostbite. It really would have been more interesting as a defensive champ than just “stab shock shock”

Regenerarion:bleed immunity
“Um he is bleed immune!” Yes this is true but that bleed immunity is only when armor is active… GET IN LINE IM-SIM-HB-WM-IP AND CW(discount)! But considering in the movie he heals a gaping stab wound with a salve he had to make an additional attachment for it would have worked better (from a lore perspective) that when he’s made to bleed he’s remove an armor (and/or activate upon next armor up instantly remove it) he’d close the wound and gain a small percentage of health back

To reiterate I’m not wholly against the way he came out just disappointed they didn’t go for a more unique stance on him based more on the unique aspects of the MCU L model and went a more predictable/safe route.


  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Man, what happened. Your language kept getting worse as the post progressed, I totally lost what you were proposing mid way.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Man, what happened. Your language kept getting worse as the post progressed, I totally lost what you were proposing mid way.

    I apologize. My intent was only to show how the MCoC version strayed from the MCU version and how a more MCU-Lore based IMIW could have been constructed. I started by disclaiming spoilers for the movie and that I don’t hate the way the final product (IMIW) came out. I listed abilities that didn’t entirely make sense followed by abilities that could have been added on their stead (as well as some side thorughts along the way such as my remark about the other iron man suits and their bleed vulnerability and colossus not having passive armor)

    Could you kindly elaborate which parts were hard to follow so I could attempt to clearify what parts were miscomunicated?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The game doesn't adapt comics or the marvel universe. You can't use scenes from comics or movies to justify anything
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    The game doesn't adapt comics or the marvel universe. You can't use scenes from comics or movies to justify anything

    I can agree with this to an extent. They do have sources they draw from and are relatively limited by, why else would Iceman lack incinerate (I’m joking). And they take some liberties. However, I am exploring possibilities stemming from idea of increased faithfulness to a source.

    This likely seems asinine as Kabam has final say over everything but I find it fun and interesting to talk about.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    From a lore perspective, I think what you site about his Passive Armor is somewhat nullified by Thanos being in possession of Infinity Stones when he rips the armor apart.

    As far as the electrical effect...for all we know, Marvel could of given Kabam a full description of what the armor is capable of that contains stuff we are not privvy to. (even with them likely restricting giving pre-release Infinity War info out to licensees, giving Kabam a list of capabilities for the suit for the context of a fighting game would be a possibility)

    Only my opinion
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Solswerd wrote: »
    From a lore perspective, I think what you site about his Passive Armor is somewhat nullified by Thanos being in possession of Infinity Stones when he rips the armor apart.

    As far as the electrical effect...for all we know, Marvel could of given Kabam a full description of what the armor is capable of that contains stuff we are not privvy to. (even with them likely restricting giving pre-release Infinity War info out to licensees, giving Kabam a list of capabilities for the suit for the context of a fighting game would be a possibility)

    Only my opinion

    I agree. It’s open to interpretation and they likely do have more info. The infinity stone nullify =/= nullify kinda opens up a can of worms I really don’t want to open but I do have to agree on the secret info part
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I think part of this is that its not kabam looking at the movie and deciding. Its marvel meeting with kabam saying, this is what he can do, while not being too-spoilery because I doubt marvel trusts kabam. And the kabam developers have to roll with it.
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    You can break IMIW'a armor with armor breaks so that part is wrong
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I think part of this is that its not kabam looking at the movie and deciding. Its marvel meeting with kabam saying, this is what he can do, while not being too-spoilery because I doubt marvel trusts kabam. And the kabam developers have to roll with it.

    Especially since they likely started working on him a month or two before the movie came out. With Marvel giving it's own actors fake scripts, there is no doubt that they would not be showing the movie way before it's actual release to Kabam employees.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I think part of this is that its not kabam looking at the movie and deciding. Its marvel meeting with kabam saying, this is what he can do, while not being too-spoilery because I doubt marvel trusts kabam. And the kabam developers have to roll with it.

    Especially since they likely started working on him a month or two before the movie came out. With Marvel giving it's own actors fake scripts, there is no doubt that they would not be showing the movie way before it's actual release to Kabam employees.

    Id even go so far as to say 6 months to a year ahead of time. Sometimes Kabam will release something that you end up knowing was planned wayyyyy in advance. Look at their champion maps. They know whos going to be released sometimes up to a year in advance.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I think part of this is that its not kabam looking at the movie and deciding. Its marvel meeting with kabam saying, this is what he can do, while not being too-spoilery because I doubt marvel trusts kabam. And the kabam developers have to roll with it.

    Especially since they likely started working on him a month or two before the movie came out. With Marvel giving it's own actors fake scripts, there is no doubt that they would not be showing the movie way before it's actual release to Kabam employees.

    Id even go so far as to say 6 months to a year ahead of time. Sometimes Kabam will release something that you end up knowing was planned wayyyyy in advance. Look at their champion maps. They know whos going to be released sometimes up to a year in advance.

    Very good point!
  • Gustafah88Gustafah88 Member Posts: 62
    If we are to think like that, than most champs "features" are wrongly implemented. This is a game based on HQs and movies, but it doesn't mean it has to be exactly what is in the stories.
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