Effects not applying from specials

This has happened with Magik and Guillotine for me so far. SP2 in both cases. You do the special, it lands, and the effect doesn't apply. It's not consistent, and so far I've only seen it happen in AQ. For Guillotine, it happened against IronMan on map 5. Landed the L2, but the phantasm never applies. Actually happened twice in the same fight with her. With Magik, it happened on several different nodes within map 3 and map 5. I'd estimate about 1/10 attempts to use L2 did not apply power lock.
iPhone 7 Plus
iOS 11.4.0
Game version 19.0
iPhone 7 Plus
iOS 11.4.0
Game version 19.0
Guilly has to have 2 or more souls to apply that reversal. If she doesn't have the souls, she won't apply it.
Magik, believe it or not, doesn't have 100% chance to power lock. only 85% to power lock.
I didn't realize Magik's power lock wasn't 100%. She's been my top champ for years and I swear, until this most recent AQ I've NEVER had her NOT apply that power lock with L2. But I guess I can't complain about that, lol.
It's weird. With every RNG we have an issue saying it doesn't perform as advertised. However Magik's is the only one we think works better than advertised.
Not trying to be 'that guy' but in order for someone to take it seriously (mods) you'll probably have to have a video of using guillo's sp2 and it not applying.
As for the Magik bit, I realized why it seemed to be 100% on the power lock. While the chance to power lock is technically 85%, she does 2 hits in her L2, and each one has the same chance to power lock (the second one just overwrites if both land). So it's pretty rare indeed that you don't get at least one.