Why my Alliance War Rank Decrease Suddenly??

This week my alliance is in Tier 11, after we won the War, next matchmaking making our Alliance in Tier 15? How come? Is this normal before the season started? What happen if the season start? Does it bring to actual Tier for my alliance? When season 2 over we on Silver 3... Pls response this thread... Thx


  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Did your war rating drop? If so, then you have pilots or cheaters.
  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208
    you cheated
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Some people in your alliance were caught cheating in some way, they either gave out their account information, pilioting and or hacking and you're lucky it wasn't a lot of people because that can result in your war rating to get set to 0 or worse.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Y'all some cheaters
  • DejavuVKDejavuVK Member Posts: 9
    But strange, when I kick my members which not online for 14 days, the tier go up 1 Tier... Before the matchmaking begin now we on tier 14... Before I kick we r on Tier 15.. and my alliance rank from 1113 became 883.. why kabam not give any warning if some of us is cheating
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Their on to u and they didn't wanna let u know they got the drop on you
  • NikothepoetNikothepoet Member Posts: 4
    You’re not a cheater, same thing happened to me. Even sent an email to kabam & they said they’re experincing a large number of issues like this...i dropped from tier 7 to tier 11
  • NikothepoetNikothepoet Member Posts: 4
    Dropped exactly 4 tiers like you did
  • DejavuVKDejavuVK Member Posts: 9
    I just got the mail, telling me that one or more of my member has altering the fight.. but kabam not telling me who the person was... Still not fair... May be if some admin read this post can point player who play cheat so I can act fairly to my members.
  • DejavuVKDejavuVK Member Posts: 9
    And may be in the warning mail can give an evidence of the cheat going..
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    You’re not a cheater, same thing happened to me. Even sent an email to kabam & they said they’re experincing a large number of issues like this...i dropped from tier 7 to tier 11

    Sorry but yes someone in your alliance's has violated their rules, kabam is cracking down on on it and the issue is the fact that someone violated their terms.

    Their support is misleading people and not very knowledgeable sometimes trust me on that, I can find tons of posts here that say a war rating drop is due to some one in the alliance violating their rules and IS THE ONLY WAY for it to drop.

    That person literally just said they got the message, maybe people should just stop giving out their login information and stop hacking and modding the game before you face a bunch of perm bans, war rating reset or destruction of your alliance among other things.

    Though I wish they would tell people or hint at who it is, but they don't for numerous reasons so it's up to the alliances to police themselves
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, the forums aren't the place to discuss actions taken on game accounts. You can also find more information on the subject here. Due to our privacy policy, we are not able to discuss any more details about the case on the forums, so this thread will now be closed.
This discussion has been closed.