Infinity dungeons are coming back... yay...

UltimateDamnationUltimateDamnation Member Posts: 57
edited July 2018 in General Discussion
I have two issues with Infinty Dungeons.
1. Restrictions. If they fix it to where EVERYONE can buy 4* and 5* dungeon crystals, then I might consider playing it again. After all, the restrictions made it EXTREMELY boring last time. I never did them because of the restrictions.
2. Random select is SUICIDE. It seems like every time I used the random select, I got someone who would either get KO'd at the first fight and/or did nothing at all. Basically wasting my 5*s' energy.
That's why I'm not excited. Why did that of all things have to come back?


  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    I have 18 5* champs, 3 awakened, 4 at r3 and resources to take 2 more to r3 but junk champs. 9 4* champs at 5/50. Yet last dungeons I didn't even qualify for 5* rewards. Been uncollected since last year. If they base rewards off prestige yet again I refuse to play. They said they didn't want players having rewards they were not yet ready for then they did the 5* goldpool crystal which contradicts what kabam said. If kabam does the whole prestige minimums again I hope they are prepared for more hate than Donald Trump gets on a daily basis.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    I like dungeons, even though I did get screwed a lot with the random partner.
  • IanMooneIanMoone Member Posts: 640 ★★
    I think making side missions or going on 8 mons is getting bit of annoying
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Didn't like them the first time around and I doubt I'll like them this time either and probably won't be playing them much or maybe not at all.
  • 1TapTakeANap1TapTakeANap Member Posts: 60
    Dungeons was easy and had awesome rewards if you had a solid partner. never go with a random youre just asking for it.
  • UltimateDamnationUltimateDamnation Member Posts: 57
    Lysiszero wrote: »
    I have 18 5* champs, 3 awakened, 4 at r3 and resources to take 2 more to r3 but junk champs. 9 4* champs at 5/50. Yet last dungeons I didn't even qualify for 5* rewards. Been uncollected since last year. If they base rewards off prestige yet again I refuse to play. They said they didn't want players having rewards they were not yet ready for then they did the 5* goldpool crystal which contradicts what kabam said. If kabam does the whole prestige minimums again I hope they are prepared for more hate than Donald **** gets on a daily basis.
    I'll be one of them. But they'll end up silencing me for the third time... like when I was known as SKK65 and This Channel is Rip.
    And I'll come back.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    IcsGrec wrote: »
    The dungeon idea was cool, but the fact that you had to play 2-3 hours per day to get all milestones was insane.
    Also, the prestige-based access to crystals is not cool. Not everyone has high prestige champs ranked up.

    Long story short, the dungeon idea is cool, but needs some tweaks and improvements.

    🤔 2-3 hours for dungeons? One run, 30-45mins room 6. Done. They gave more 5* in their 6 weeks available then arenas would have given me. I hope they tweak the final reward system. But otherwise glad they are coming back.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    I think bringing dungeons back shows a lot of what a high number of people say: this company is either out of touch with the playing community, or doesn't really care about our thoughts. Maybe they have data showing people really liked them, but with all the discord over them last time and people saying they were terrible well after the event, I don't know what to think. I just wish they would communicate with us better.

    I for one am very happy they don’t listen to whoever screams the loudest. That would kill the game and pretty fast. The dungeons need some improvements for sure, but I loved being able to play with old friends and with my bf. My bf liked them a lot too. For two different reasons, one being the ingame part playing with me (he did not like them much with people not in the same room) the second being that I started to take over the morning feedings from our child, to be able to watch bg and try to do dungeons with him.

    Anyway, as long as they keep improving the stuff that needed improvement, I would love it if it where a permanent feature.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    I think bringing dungeons back shows a lot of what a high number of people say: this company is either out of touch with the playing community, or doesn't really care about our thoughts. Maybe they have data showing people really liked them, but with all the discord over them last time and people saying they were terrible well after the event, I don't know what to think. I just wish they would communicate with us better.

    I for one am very happy they don’t listen to whoever screams the loudest. That would kill the game and pretty fast. The dungeons need some improvements for sure, but I loved being able to play with old friends and with my bf. My bf liked them a lot too. For two different reasons, one being the ingame part playing with me (he did not like them much with people not in the same room) the second being that I started to take over the morning feedings from our child, to be able to watch bg and try to do dungeons with him.

    Anyway, as long as they keep improving the stuff that needed improvement, I would love it if it where a permanent feature.

    Well said.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Lower level players shouldn’t be alllowed to buy 5* gems from dungeons. Gotta earn your way like everyone else... quit wanting a free ride! Do story mode, labyrinth, etc and stop looking for things to be handed to you.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Dungeons were terrible!!! If u have plenty of high ranked 5* and a partner u know that plays at the same time to pair with? Dungeons were pretty good. I like how their solution to soooooo many ppl saying it took too long, was to make room 4 and above have harder fights AND REWARD LESS POINTS?!?! Huh? Say what??? Kabam logic at work! They need a complete overhaul on the random matchups, ppl like me had few options as almost every time ppl I knew and would okay with were asleep, or already did dungeons. I play late, and got the short end of the stick bout 85% of the time from the “find a match”. Ppl would constantly take the same path I was already on, die on 1st fight, never even b there at all!!! Red to fix that feature, and make a 1 unit refresh for 4* and maybe 5 unit refresh for 5*, or do away withe whole “refresh” in general! They know 70-80% of ppl gonna waste their champs with the last/probably still current system. Also increase points. Shouldn’t more than 1hr total doing Map 4/5 to milestones. Anything longer is ridiculous!!!!
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    No desire or intent to do them this time either.

    At least it’s only for 2 weeks. 🤷‍♂️
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    I'll most likely skip this round dungeon again like I skipped most part of the first dungeon, as it took too much time to even complete a few rounds.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    I have two issues with Infinty Dungeons.
    1. Restrictions. If they fix it to where EVERYONE can buy 4* and 5* dungeon crystals, then I might consider playing it again. After all, the restrictions made it EXTREMELY boring last time. I never did them because of the restrictions.
    2. Random select is SUICIDE. It seems like every time I used the random select, I got someone who would either get KO'd at the first fight and/or did nothing at all. Basically wasting my 5*s' energy.
    That's why I'm not excited. Why did that of all things have to come back?

    1.restrictions like prestige?
    there is a reason why theres prestige and it exist In the game. it is ment to show progression and overall strength. Your top 5 champions for prestige dictates where "YOU" are in the game. if someone who has 7k+ prestige is getting the same rewards as someone who is at 4k+ prestige I honestly thinks that's unfair.

    People need to pay there dues.
    4* are way to easy to get nowadays compared to back in the day.
    Resources like t4cc/t4b are MORE easily obtainable now, when compared to how it is back in the day.
    I am seeing beginner/intermediate bracket players get 4* so easily compared to when I had to 100% act 3 to get my first 4*.

    2. Why are u even playing with random? Play with people in your alliance, or find people on forums/global chat/reddit
    I play with my alliance mates and friends so its pretty easy to do dungeons when ur playing with people who know what they are doing.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    I agree that there are a few different ways to avoid the find a match feature. That should never be the case though. If the find a match is that horrible that every player knows they will get their best champs wasted, unless they use outside sources like Reddit, Line, etc.... that should tell Kabam to COMPLETELY REWORK it from the ground up!!!!! U should never have to resort to such outside sources. If it was designed properly u would never need to. The average person will play Room 4, it can take 2-3hrs or more with the horrible matches they make. Plus they made room 4 and above HARDER AND REWARD LESS POINTS!!! That was their solution to ppl saying that dungeons took too long?!? That is completely opposite of what u do!
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    I think bringing dungeons back shows a lot of what a high number of people say: this company is either out of touch with the playing community, or doesn't really care about our thoughts. Maybe they have data showing people really liked them, but with all the discord over them last time and people saying they were terrible well after the event, I don't know what to think. I just wish they would communicate with us better.

    The Forums only have a very tiny, minuscule portion of the playerbase. If every one on the forum hated them, that might only equate to 5% of the total community
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    IanMoone wrote: »
    I think making side missions or going on 8 mons is getting bit of annoying

    Then don't do them I don't mind the extra rewards although I wish there was something other than dungeons because those sucked trials of the infinite was way better
  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    I think bringing dungeons back shows a lot of what a high number of people say: this company is either out of touch with the playing community, or doesn't really care about our thoughts. Maybe they have data showing people really liked them, but with all the discord over them last time and people saying they were terrible well after the event, I don't know what to think. I just wish they would communicate with us better.

    The Forums only have a very tiny, minuscule portion of the playerbase. If every one on the forum hated them, that might only equate to 5% of the total community

    More like 0.005 percent of the community
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  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I CANNOT BELIEVE that someone, who has a better roster than me, who spent more time than me in building it, has an easier time and can get points faster in dungeons! where is the logic! we should all get all the points by doing 1 fight.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    Dungeons were garbage, and I hope they have taken the thoughts of the playerbase into consideration for the next iteration of them.

    The main way they could fix them is to allow the player to choose what node affects them for the mini boss node. That would instantly fix the random matchups just moving gung ho, and not looking at the nodes, which usually ended up leaving the most ridiculous challenge to beat.
  • edited July 2018
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  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    I loved the dungeons and im excited to see the changes they made this time. The only part on the infinity war tie in was how long they were and how high the score you needed to get the 5 star awakening gem. That was a long slog to finish but it was worth doing at least.
  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    Prestige was the biggest b's part of dungeons. If it's there to mark a players progression then prestige should lock people from becoming uncollected, or facing maestro, or running master eq. I am a 3 year plus player. I mentioned my top roster earlier in this thread. I was at a near 600k summoner rating before selling most champs a month ago to slow my own time in game. Prestige calculators showed me at high enough for 5* rewards, sent kabam a complaint and they said they looked into it and I only get 4* rewards. There was people in my alliance with 1 5/50 4* and 3 4/40 4* as there top champs yet getting 5* rewards. There was people in my alliance who had 3 4/55 4* and 1 5/50 4* as there top champs who didn't get 5* rewards or top milestones. So the whole prestige for the event was a huge failure. Kabam fixed it once but it didn't solve the issue for everyone. So me and most people in my alliance refused to play. Other than the prestige so many champs were bugged during the event and all that lead to was more complaining.
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